Lunch break - NK fires again, Where's bill?, The kids on the Gays, Rock en Espanol, JSOM hearts Rafa.
NK fires again: North Korea fires another missile - Obi admin says: "I don't think that anybody in the administration thinks there is a crisis," Gates told reporters aboard his military jet early Friday morning. Is No Drama Obama actually too disinterested to be bothered since there is no upside for me Obama?
Where's Bill? Check this blog out.
Comment on Hot Air:
Most recently NQ, Liberal Rapture, The Confluence. Mostly small liberal blogs that were hardline behind Hillary Clinton...Believe it or not the real democrats had O figured out along time ago.
So real that we had to leave the party to maintain any integrity.
The kids are alright: Don't they know the musty ol' Bible mutters some barely coherent, mistranslated silliness about it in a single word or two written 1,500 years ago in a long dead language by acidic church elders with powermad political agendas and violently repressed libidos who nevertheless wish to instruct us all how to live and love and screw? Read it all.
John goes all tiger beat:
oh the many things i love...because, as we know - those who can't do - blog...
...USC Football...Shakespeare...the sublime inanity of Green Acres...the deliciously fearless South Park...almond roca...kicky pop music....oh and Rafael Nadal's smile, uh, i mean skill...The French Open is moving along and I also love me some tennis...and come to think of it lets hear it for Shakira ..Fear no Rock en Espanol...while American pop was disintegrating into fits of increasingly crappy rap and increasingly tiresome "hip hop" driven by increasingly creepy and gooey sexual energy... Rock en Espanol was often busy keeping the fun, sexy, earnest urgency of pop Go Rafa! Go Lakers! Go Friday! Go Rock en Espanol!...Go on then...have a great weekend!
Some more swell rock en Espanol:
Where's Bill? Check this blog out.
Comment on Hot Air:
Most recently NQ, Liberal Rapture, The Confluence. Mostly small liberal blogs that were hardline behind Hillary Clinton...Believe it or not the real democrats had O figured out along time ago.
So real that we had to leave the party to maintain any integrity.
The kids are alright: Don't they know the musty ol' Bible mutters some barely coherent, mistranslated silliness about it in a single word or two written 1,500 years ago in a long dead language by acidic church elders with powermad political agendas and violently repressed libidos who nevertheless wish to instruct us all how to live and love and screw? Read it all.
John goes all tiger beat:
oh the many things i love...because, as we know - those who can't do - blog...
...USC Football...Shakespeare...the sublime inanity of Green Acres...the deliciously fearless South Park...almond roca...kicky pop music....oh and Rafael Nadal's smile, uh, i mean skill...The French Open is moving along and I also love me some tennis...and come to think of it lets hear it for Shakira ..Fear no Rock en Espanol...while American pop was disintegrating into fits of increasingly crappy rap and increasingly tiresome "hip hop" driven by increasingly creepy and gooey sexual energy... Rock en Espanol was often busy keeping the fun, sexy, earnest urgency of pop Go Rafa! Go Lakers! Go Friday! Go Rock en Espanol!...Go on then...have a great weekend!
Some more swell rock en Espanol:
Labels: Bill Clinton, gays of our lives, north korea, rafa nadal
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