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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lunch Break - Janeane Garofalo edition

Marriage Equality: New Yorkers favor it.

*For no apparent reason after hearing this news Janeane Garofalo was seen in Albany dancing a crazed leprechaun jig and screaming "Racist".

Buyer's Remorse Poll: Vote.

*After voting in this online poll Jeanine Garofalo screamed "racist!" at her computer, inadvertently spewing Chunky Monkey all over the screen.

Those who strongly approve of Chicago Slim and those who strongly disapprove are now even. Also - Mass. gov. numbers WAY down.

*After this poll was released Janeane Garofalo appeared in front of the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd dressed as Barney the Dinosaur and yelling "racist!"
at surprised tourists who where not assuaged when, immediately after hurling the insult, she attempted to sell them Chiclets for 10 cents.

Duty to Die: Baroness Kevorkian says give confused coots the kickoff.

*After being told of the Baroness's comments on the set of 24, Janeane Garofalo belched old people suck and are racists who should die to the tune of Lady Madonna, delighting her coworkers, but aggravating her acid reflux.

Chicago Slim Trims Budget: Prez demands a cut of 1/37,000 of his 2010 budget!!!

*When Jeanine Garofalo heard this news she made a public vow to personally accuse 37, 000 people of racism within in 10 days, honoring the President's brave budget cuts and breaking her own world record of accusing 9000 people of racism at the Sundance Film Festival where her documentary film, Trampoline Terror: The Secret History of Racist Trampoline Owners in America, premiered in 2005.

Nickname Runoff: The top four vote getters in L.R.'s quest to give Mrs. Obama a nickname - so as to avoid so much use of the word "Obama", thereby skewing the google ads - need your second round pick...or os it the 3rd round?

Music: For my hottttttttt Dodgers:

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