Lunch Break - J-som, Happy Birthday to Carolyn at Make Them Accountable, music
Finally! a positive usage of that sick, deluded, Orwellian, Obama poster. A reader sent this snap from West Hollywood, CA:

Assault with battery: This is not funny, and yet I laughed.
Rapture medical note:Feeling poorly? It may be symptoms of your impending ascension! And I thought it was just low blood sugar. (HT: Jay Floyd)
End of suburbia note: Phoenix home prices down 51%. I place Phoenix just behind Las Vegas as places most likely to disappear in the next 30 years. (I put my hometown, L.A. 3rd or 4th on the "doomed places" list. The LA Basin has a fighting chance, the inland valleys - not so much. )
Politics and Media Headlines 4/29/09 from Make Them Accountable:
Yesterday was my birthday, so I took the day off. My birthday present to me was a webcam, so if I can ever figure out how to get YouTube to accept an upload, we may have some visits from Granny Bee.-Caro
OBAMA'S FIRST 100 DAYS: How the President Fared In the Press vs. Clinton and Bush (Project for Excellence in Journalism)
As he marks his 100th day in office, President Barack Obama has enjoyed substantially more positive media coverage than either Bill Clinton or George Bush during their first months in the White House, according to a new study of press coverage.
As President Barack Obama hits the 100-day mark on Wednesday, it's time to take stock. Many of Obama's words have been inspiring. His rhetoric represents a relief to those who watched with horror as the Bush administration systematically dismantled the U.S. Constitution and ignored international human rights standards. Yet in many areas of critical importance - like human rights, torture, rendition, secrecy and surveillance - his words have been loftier than his actions.
Obama Has Missed His Moment (by Chris Hedges,
Barack Obama has squandered his presidency. He had a fleeting moment to challenge the casino capitalism and financial recklessness of our economic and political elite. He could have orchestrated a state socialism that would have provided a safety net for tens of millions of Americans faced with dislocation and misery. The sums he has doled out to Wall Street could have been used to force companies to keep workers on the job or create new banks to open up credit. But he lacked the foresight and the courage to challenge entrenched power. And now we are headed down one of two frightening roads—massive deflation or hyperinflation. Neither will be pleasant.
Obama's Report Card (Foreign Policy)
We asked some of the best foreign-policy minds in Washington and beyond to rate the U.S. president's first 100 days in office. The result? 11 As, 16 Bs, 7 Cs, and a D.
Click here for more politics and media news headlines.
Carolyn Kay
Music: I have posted a version of this song from one of my favorite movies before - however I love it and sometimes I sing it to my dog while doing chores...sadly, I never sound like Johnny Mathis:

Assault with battery: This is not funny, and yet I laughed.
Rapture medical note:Feeling poorly? It may be symptoms of your impending ascension! And I thought it was just low blood sugar. (HT: Jay Floyd)
End of suburbia note: Phoenix home prices down 51%. I place Phoenix just behind Las Vegas as places most likely to disappear in the next 30 years. (I put my hometown, L.A. 3rd or 4th on the "doomed places" list. The LA Basin has a fighting chance, the inland valleys - not so much. )
Politics and Media Headlines 4/29/09 from Make Them Accountable:
Yesterday was my birthday, so I took the day off. My birthday present to me was a webcam, so if I can ever figure out how to get YouTube to accept an upload, we may have some visits from Granny Bee.-Caro
OBAMA'S FIRST 100 DAYS: How the President Fared In the Press vs. Clinton and Bush (Project for Excellence in Journalism)
As he marks his 100th day in office, President Barack Obama has enjoyed substantially more positive media coverage than either Bill Clinton or George Bush during their first months in the White House, according to a new study of press coverage.
Obama's first 100 days showed rhetoric loftier than actions (By Vince Warren, The Progressive Media Project)
As President Barack Obama hits the 100-day mark on Wednesday, it's time to take stock. Many of Obama's words have been inspiring. His rhetoric represents a relief to those who watched with horror as the Bush administration systematically dismantled the U.S. Constitution and ignored international human rights standards. Yet in many areas of critical importance - like human rights, torture, rendition, secrecy and surveillance - his words have been loftier than his actions.
Obama Has Missed His Moment (by Chris Hedges,
Barack Obama has squandered his presidency. He had a fleeting moment to challenge the casino capitalism and financial recklessness of our economic and political elite. He could have orchestrated a state socialism that would have provided a safety net for tens of millions of Americans faced with dislocation and misery. The sums he has doled out to Wall Street could have been used to force companies to keep workers on the job or create new banks to open up credit. But he lacked the foresight and the courage to challenge entrenched power. And now we are headed down one of two frightening roads—massive deflation or hyperinflation. Neither will be pleasant.
Obama's Report Card (Foreign Policy)
We asked some of the best foreign-policy minds in Washington and beyond to rate the U.S. president's first 100 days in office. The result? 11 As, 16 Bs, 7 Cs, and a D.
Click here for more politics and media news headlines.
Carolyn Kay
Music: I have posted a version of this song from one of my favorite movies before - however I love it and sometimes I sing it to my dog while doing chores...sadly, I never sound like Johnny Mathis:
Labels: 100 days, adopt a pet, chris hedges, i will wait for you, johnny mathis, radio shack, the rapture
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