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Friday, March 27, 2009

Yes He Can - i - Stan

Obama took ownership of the Afghan war today. Lock, Stock, and Barrel. In general terms I agree with the President's plan. Destroying the Taliban has been the right thing to do since at least the late 90s. We would have achieved this goal long ago had W not taken our eyes off their balls.

I am supportive of Obama on is - in the most general sense. We must defeat those who attacked us and mean to do us further harm. Still, I can only do what we all must - wait and see. I've learned my lesson when it comes to supporting anything Obama proposes. After initially being supportive of the stimulus - Obama and Pelosi soon larded the bill up with unstimulating nonsense. It hard to say if BHO has the smarts, tenacity , or vision to guide this country through what will certainly be a tougher, bloodier war from here on out. The enormity of the Bush/Cheney lies about Iraq will haunt Obama. The country is sick of war. And sickened still by W's malfeasance in misleading us about Iraq.

From way out here it looks like Obama has set himself up with an impossible task. He attempted to lower the bar for success - but the bar is immobile. We must secure a region that has been for centuries not at all secureable. Defeating the Taliban is the only measure of success.

Further we must not be attacked again. This, too, is a nearly impossible goal. If anything, today the President ramped up the any plans that may be in the works in some cave over there. If I fault him it is for the announcement. Which had all the bells and whistles of "big news". The man has got to learn some subtlety.

Yet, being as fair minded as I can about BHO, I do not see another option that comes near acceptability except something that looks like a win. The other options? Leave. A non starter except on the Code Pink Left. Negotiate - which he's mentioned - and even in the mentioning is viscerally repellent. Or try to wind up the country for a massive increase in troops which is not only political suicide but probably not possible anyway.

This may be remembered as the day Obama truly claimed the Presidency. He has decided to fight a war that will not be over in four years. This is his war.

Danger is everywhere on this front. The analogy to Vietnam actually works with Afghanistan.

*Escalation is a sure bet.
*We are fighting a home grown enemy.
*The anti any war Left is already turning on Obama.
*Further, with "official" unemployment numbers set to go past 10% the country is looking inward and in no mood for this battle.

Even with all that I don't see that he had much choice. Also, Obama never overtly lied about Afghanistan during the campaign.He is doing what he clearly stated he would do. I hardly commend him for this. The Code Pink, A.N.S.W.E.R. ninny Left were fed a line of hooey about Iraq and allowed, with the encouragement of the MSM, to transfer this "peace" jargon to Obama's foreign policy in general. Obama could have been much more forth coming during the campaign.

From my observation deck here in Koreatown, I will enjoy watching heads explode on the ninny Left. Perhaps throwing little acorns engraved with "told ya so!" on the seething fools.

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