Lunch Break - super extra ultra random edition: Poll, Bones, Homos, The French, poli Sci, USC, His Girl Friday,
Those Darn French! Sarkozy to walk out?
Poli Sci Test. CarolynKB posted this link yesterday. A very brief test to determine where you stand politically. Check it out.
April: April 1st is tomorrow. We all know what this means! - USC's first football game of the '09 season is only 157 days away!!!! If you're in LA spring practice is open to the public. Schedule here. April 18 is Swim with Mike day, and the 25th is the Trojan Huddle - a scrimmage in the coliseum which is very picnicky and relaxed. Plus, after you can check out the Rose Garden, and Dinosaur museum, (AKA Natural History), which serve as the exterior of The Jeffersonian Institute on Bones...which...I currently can't stop watching because everyone on it is so smart and pretty...or pretty and smart deepening on my disposition that day.
Gay of the Day: Speaking of Gay Actors on Bones (we were, right?) here is a Gay of the Day since I have not had one for a while. Eric Millegan was a "squint" for the first 3 seasons of Bones. He is also a sports nut AND a musical theater lover, apologetically and openly gay, and an all around swell guy. What's not to like?
His Girl Friday: Because I just love the way they talk. David Mamet owes a debt to the screenwriters of scenes like this...
Keeping it in the Bones family, the star of Bones - Emily Deschanel's - sister Zooey sings this dandy piece of pop. I luvs me some thickly produced, wall of sound, saving irony from the seething hordes of Morrissey drop outs, bubble gum pop!
(fyi: i do love Morrissey, too..but I can't live in the subjunctive, for God's sake. )
Labels: bones, eric milligan, gay of the day, his girl friday, poll, sarkozy, USC Trojans
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