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Monday, March 23, 2009

Lunch Break - Obama, shut up!!! Edition

Obama talks too damn much: "Not again!" complained another. "It's the same speech he's been giving for the past year." OBAMA, SHUT UP!!!

Chuckles the Clown: From 60 Minutes - "You're sitting here. And you're-you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, 'I mean, he's sitting there just making jokes about money-' How do you deal with-I mean: explain..." Kroft asked at one point.
"Are you punch-drunk?" Kroft said.

From the Left: The fact that we're no longer suffering under the worst President ever has drastically lowered our standards...we're willing to accept the leadership of a man who... seems to have very low regard for whether policies actually work or make sense. Read it all.

From the Right: As an aghast world-from China to Chicago and Chihuahua-watches, the circus-like U. S. political system seems to be declining into near chaos.

Trey Parker, Envelope Pusher: Cartman tries to draw attention to the Coon however he can, including throwing an unsuccessful event called Coonicon 2009. The South Park episode also contains a shot of a dark alley in a high crime area. A large poster of Obama/Change is plastered on a wall. The word "When?" is spray painted across the Prez's image.

MUSIC: Mad World. The clip is a montage from Children of Men. As most of you know - I think this is one of the best, and thus far, the most important film of the decade. It has one of those simple, elegant premises that invites a story to make incisive statements without losing track of itself. What if human reproduction stopped? That "what if" allows the story tellers to explore the importance of real hope (not "obama" hope.), believing in a better future, and to hit on Western iconography- without forcing it. The "long take" in which war ravaged soldiers and shell shocked civilians hear a baby's cry for the first time in 20 years is stunning. Actually it is past stunning. It is silencing.
And, yes, I very much believe, that the wanton destruction of the future to salvage the present that Mr. Bush engaged in - and now Mr. Obama is engaging in - makes this film all the more pertinent

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