The one about Bill "the pill" Maher.

First off : let the current HBO campaign for Real Time with Bill Maher be the death knell of the the Hope poster ripoffs. Please. Maher has forced that creepy little piece of creepiness to jumpeth the sharketh.
Second: Someone needs to say this, HE'S NOT FUNNY. He delivers Leno's rejected jokes then hosts a round table of largely pointless blather. The hook being that it is "live", though the guests often seem to be anything but...
Third: He is a TOOL. Sorry kidz, but there ain't nothing new or interesting coming out of this guy's mouth. He's a run of the mill, cocktail party circuit, Obama, Limousine liberal. New ground has not been broken on Real Time in a while. Here's what HBO likes: It's cheap to make. Really cheap. Cheap, while maintaining an aura of being relevant, though it is clearly not.
Finally: He's tacky - as he proved beyond the shadow of a doubt when he griped about his mean little Doco not being nominated while presenting the Best Doco Award at the Oscars.
Labels: bill maher
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