Guest Post: New Deal v. New Pork - Who's in charge?

Obama is flying around bragging that he has gotten a bill passed that spends more money than President Franklin Delano Roosevelt spent in the same amount of time.
Oh goody.
Obama is spending more money.
But what is he BUYING with that money?
Is Obama buying "recovery"?
Is Obama buying jobs?
Or is Obama buying votes for his 2012 re-election?
Just by way of comparison, here's a timeline of FDR's first 100 days as president (in 1933) when the Great Depression had already been raging for a few years; thousands of banks had closed, stocks had lost most of their value, and there was 25% to 30% unemployment, not even counting women who were not considered part of the workforce. Millions were homeless; they had lost their homes and were moving in with relatives and friends. One third of the nation was ill-fed and ill-clothed.
FDR worked aggressively and creatively to stabilize the banks, feed the hungry, provide jobs for the jobless, and protect farmers and homeowners from foreclosure.
(P.S. FDR's recovery initiatives worked. We don't know if Obama's pork-laden "stimulus" bill will create recovery and new jobs, or if it will sink us further into "catastrophe.")
And, by the way, it might be useful to know WHO is overseeing the spending of this close-to-one-trillion dollars in "stimulus" money. Is anyone?
Tell me who.
Who is in charge of seeing that the $787 billion in this "stimulus" bill and the $78 billion in Obama's mortgage "bailout" are not wasted and/or not going to the very people who drove us into this economic 'quicksand'? (Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have "recovered" quickly. Those 2 foxes not only gets to guard the "housing" hen house - they get the deed, the keys, and the run of the place. )
Will these Obama expenditures be "stimulative," or will they be just so much 'quicksand' that swallows more and more of our tax dollars?
Labels: BHO, FDR, new deal, stimulus bill
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