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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Clinton Kunstler Barry Brains

SOS Clinton is overseas on her first official trip. ("SOS Clinton" may end up being the mantra of the next for years. Just insert a comma and it works "S.O.S., Clinton!") What is already striking about her trip is the level of engagement she demonstrates. It struck me a few years back that Rice seemed exhausted by the job - and spent most of her time spinning her wheels.

Lord knows, President Kool-Aid won't let her get too much credit unless it makes him look good.

Clinton would make an amazing President. I see no reason to stop blogging on this point.

On another note, Kunstler posted on Monday. I always find him a good read. However, as I've said before, his myopic and truly harebrained support of the Lightbringer was - and still is to a smaller degree - disturbing. It is a case study in last years Obama phenomenon. Many who spent their intellectual lives dead set against magical thinking, for unfathomable reasons, engaged in the worst form of projection and magical thinking about BHO. He still largely refuses to see Obama for what he is - the latest clerk fronting the elite's store. But after a month of Obamaland, his cheer leading has disintegrated into reminders that Obama is "smart." Whoopee. Not so long ago being smart in the Oval Office was an assumption, and hardly needed repeating.

(I find the "he's so smart" meme baffling. I certainly find no particular fault with this assessment. He does seem smart enough. But he's hardly the intellectual giant the Pods make him out to be - as a last resort while their agenda gets flushed. The great service that W provided those who will follow him is that he set the bar so damn low. And if speaking off the cuff in complete paragraphs about difficult issues is an indicator, BHO is substantially less intelligent that Bill Clinton.)

Get past the need to bash the Clintons (I do think it may be in the survival DNA of certain types: Air, Food, Shelter, Bash a Clinton...) and he has much to say worth hearing.

I am willing to look on this handicap as just that - a handicap - and enjoy his writing.
What is dogging many of us who supported Mr. Obama is the delayed entrance of much-vaunted change. At this moment of "stimulus" and TARP-II, it seems to have been about a desperate attempt to preserve the hypertrophic debt economy of "miracle" mortgages, blue-light-special shopping on credit cards, and endless happy motoring at all costs. And by "all costs" I mean literally bankrupting our society at every level to keep on living as if it were still 1999.


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