We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Train in vain

Is it odd to say it is nice to see so many happy people waiting for the Obama train (I saw pics at Noquarter. I will not be watching the "news"coverage of this "event".) while simultaneously feeling saddened by the whole thing? A friend told me last night "I'm sure now that he was selected and installed".

I agree, of course. But one can believe the entire election from before Iowa to this train ride was entirely above board, transparent and fair - and still be turned off. So little is likely to change on the ground. The implied promise is far beyond the coming reality. Those connected to reality who are also supportive of and joyous about Obama's "coming" are operating out of a contempt for Bush. There is a relief that a particular long, national nightmare is ending. I say good on 'em. I, too, have been so disgusted with Bush for so long just about anyone off the street could be sworn in Tuesday and I'd be at least happier. A neighbor told me the other day, "I know Obama is mostly an illusion, but I just want to be in the relief for a while." I can't find much fault with that sentiment. Still, I suspect Bush will be forgotten almost immediately.

Part of me is emotionally participating from afar. Yet, I'm tempered by just how much has transpired, by how daunting the next few years will be, and by how thickheaded and mean the Obots have been. It's a combustible mix.

As for that 25% or so that have deified the man beyond all sanity there is nothing much to add. Either they are having their last orgy of cultism right now and will go back home quietly. Or they will dig in and continue to disallow reality whenever it raises its relentless head - egged on by those with the big megaphones who have another agenda entirely.

The job of the rest of us is to stand firm and counter the nonsense from wherever we stand - the right, left, middle or anywhere else. Always remembering that skepticism of elected leaders is the norm in the United States. Deification is abnormal. And dangerous.

Finally, let me allow a little latent snobbishness to bubble forth. More than anything, I think the train ride and over the top inauguration is tacky. This is not a surprise. The Greek theater set was tacky, as was the pretend Presidential seal, and the request to speak at the Brandenburg gate. A reasonable celebration is in order. What we are witnessing is more Roman than American.

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