Obama the homophobe?
You never know where or how the right stuff will bubble up.
From the largely right wing "Savage Politics." comes this:
On December 18, 2008, Sixty-six nations supported a United Nations resolution condemning homophobic human rights violations, but the United States was not one of them.
If you really believe that the Obama Administration will solve this problem, I have this very cool bridge in Brooklyn that I'm trying to sell
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This, my favorite comment on the piece from Ragin:
BO is homophobic. his male role models are confused perverts (Frank Davis, Jeremiah Wright,etc). any openly gay men on his campaign staff? he wouldn't go near the SF mayor.
I'll tell you what - one big thing I learned in 2008 is to be much more open to Conservatives. Integrity in the primary and general elections came from McCain/Palin and Hillary. Obama and the most strident, bigoted closed minded people in 2008 were almost ALL on the faux Left -
the Kos/Huffington/Whole Foods/ faux Left, the Geffen/Obama fraudulent Limo Left.
And still are.
From the largely right wing "Savage Politics." comes this:
On December 18, 2008, Sixty-six nations supported a United Nations resolution condemning homophobic human rights violations, but the United States was not one of them.
If you really believe that the Obama Administration will solve this problem, I have this very cool bridge in Brooklyn that I'm trying to sell
Read it all.
This, my favorite comment on the piece from Ragin:
BO is homophobic. his male role models are confused perverts (Frank Davis, Jeremiah Wright,etc). any openly gay men on his campaign staff? he wouldn't go near the SF mayor.
I'll tell you what - one big thing I learned in 2008 is to be much more open to Conservatives. Integrity in the primary and general elections came from McCain/Palin and Hillary. Obama and the most strident, bigoted closed minded people in 2008 were almost ALL on the faux Left -
the Kos/Huffington/Whole Foods/ faux Left, the Geffen/Obama fraudulent Limo Left.
And still are.
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