Lunch Break - mixed bag, miscellany, variety, smorgasbord, potpourri,
A pre Presidency We Told You So: Riverdaughter nails the Daily Kos Krap. I, for one, have no intention of being polite about jackasses like King Cheeto, Avarosis and Andrew Sullivan as President Sunshine collapses into a people pleasing, pro Wall Street amorphous blob. They were and are idiots. Destructive idiots who spent last year whoring for the George Soros crowd. Obama is even turning into a coward on Stem cells research. Bush 3. Bush 3. Bush 3. And, by God, WE TOLD YOU SO. The Huff/Cheetos/Sullivan ninnies are the strongest argument we have for bringing back the stockades and the fine art of tomato throwing. Either knowingly or not, (don't care which) last year Avarosis, Sullivan, Huffington, Cheetos, were on the vanguard of destroying American liberalism for yet another generation. They ruthlessly attacked 3 true reformers - one on the left and 2 on the right - while intellectually masturbating themselves into a frenzy over an unvetted living, breathing question mark of a man - who happened to be a good speaker and, of course, overriding all other concerns, he was not white. President Question Mark is now turning out to be a weenie beholden to the Wall Street interests (and God knows who else) who bought him and then brought him to the White House.
Holidays: Happy M.L. King Day. I am glad we set this day aside. MLK getting his own day, while Washington and Lincoln have had their birthdays merged into a joke holiday set aside for electronic gadget sales is - historically speaking - obscene. And after 240 years we still don't honor a single woman in our yearly round up of three day weekends. That sh*t ain't right.
Music: Inauguration songs I love include:
A Poll:
This poll is entirely fictitious, as all post JFK Americans know that there are no conspiracies in the U.S.A. Anyone who thinks America is subject to the exact same behind the scenes power plays as Ancient Rome, Elizabethan England, or, frankly, anywhere else in the history of civilization, is, we all know, a dolt. We also all know-by virtue of being let in on the joke by the always free and fair American Media/Entertainment Complex- that everything is ironic all the time - except natural disasters, sometimes missing white people but only if they are pretty and/or rich, and the installation of new leaders. Conspiracies are simply not ironic. Therefore they do not exist. But let's just say:
Labels: ballroom blitz, Barry the bullshiter Obama, Daily kos, false flag, George Washington, lincoln, MLK, nelson muntz, smart liberals, stupid liberals
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