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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

hump day thoughts

A few thoughts tonight.

Caroline leaves the race. Now let us leave her alone. The whole thing was a mistake. I'd like the last few shreds of admiration I have for the Kennedy family to remain.

DO IT! Gitmo is a stain on all of us.

And this REALLY pisses me off: Lowery got big cheers when he weaved in a weird prayer rap expressing his hope for a future in which the "brown would stick around," the "yellow would be mellow," the "red man would get ahead, man," and the "white would embrace the right."

The emphasis is furiously mine. I don't know anything about Lowery, though there is a steak house in L.A. by that name and - sans context - he does appear to be talking about rice.

If only.

I hope it doesn't take much explanation to see just how offensive that last line is. Who is this "white" Lowery is talking about that needs - en mass - to "embrace the right".

I say to you, Lowery "F**k off."

Let me be clearer: Fuck Off.

Is there a more pervasive form of racism in this country than the assumption that white people are bigots by default? It may not be the most painful but it is the most pervasive. I am fed up with it. Past fed up.

And I am not even sure how to deconstruct the other lines of this inauguration doggerel. Yellow would be mellow??? WTF is that? What "stuck in 1968" rump planet does this guy live on? And, why, pray tell, should East Asians remain "mellow"? Why not say "the chink is free to think"? At least that implies freewill, not opium smoking, while retaining its essential offensiveness.

The other two categories Rev. Diversity Training throws in are bizarrely neutered. Where the "browns" thinking of going somewhere?

The "rap" is retarded. I don't mean "retarded" in the adolescent pejorative manner. Lowery appears to have been retarded by the tape worm of identity politics.

Post racial, my ass. The Obama era started on a hyper-racial note.

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