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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gitmo and Social Security

A. I want to commend Obama for the order to close Gitmo. However, the order and showy announcement that went with it mean one thing politically: Terrorism is now Obama's problem. There is no honeymoon. If an attack comes soon it will not be Bush's fault. Why? You ask - what the hell do you mean , John? It's day two for God sake!

Obama has months - a year - on the economy before the political clock moves from "Bush's Fault" to "Obama's watch". Not so with terrorism. Not after today. An attack soon will be blamed on Obama because "He showed weakness". That is not true on the face of it. But that is how it would spin. If an attack comes later - then it is, of course, "on his watch. "

I am asking anyone who reads this blog to do one thing: PAY ATTENTION. Dismiss conspiracies all you like. Please do not dismiss the obvious truth that people conspire.

B. I suggest reading Cannonfire here for a potential "animating idea" to Obama's presidency. An out-for-blood Republican Congress matched with (not against: with) a turncoat Dem president...

In the parlor game of speculating about the real reasons for Obama's ascendancy and installation, over seeing the end of social security is a strong pick. It makes sense.

I suggest that Obama does not have a wellspring of trust with the American people. He has a goodwill coupon that is revocable at any time. The majority will turn on him at light speed given the right external circumstance. He set it up this way.

If "change" feels endangering in the least - there will be a revulsion against change. And specificialy its messenger.

