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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Calling all those with something to say.

I want to open this blog up and I 'd like to hear points of view other than my own. This includes people I disagree with - sometimes strongly. My reasons are simple:

1. It's hard to post consistently and I want this to be a consistent blog.

2. My opinions are often strongly felt - but they have their limits. I'm not going to pretend to have knowledge I don't have, or take on the mantle of false wisdom. I leave that to Andrew Sullivan.

I've learned so much in the last year and along the way heard from many people with varying opinions. I've loved it. Those who come by here run the political gamut - with a few centering themes. Most distrust Obama, and/or distrust how he came to be President. Otherwise, there are liberals, conservatives, and everything else. I like that. Open discourse is a mainstay of what I believe liberalism is. I claim the name liberal. No one else has to. (Sometime after 1980 "liberal" was turned into a dirty word. I reject this. Before Reagan liberals were often given the modifier "fighting" - as in "Bella Abzug, the fighting liberal." I still believe in those liberals. Even those who run from the label. )

It is NOT that the world has become more partisan. Partisanship is essential in a democracy. (And while we still can, let's pretend we live in one.) What has changed is the attitude toward opposing views. Conservatives made liberalism "bad, rotten, unAmerican" after Reagan. More recently liberals have dismissed and condescended to conservatives ruthlessly. I participated in this until 2008 when I came to see just how myopic and close minded "my team" had become behind Obama. Though still opposed to most conservative ideas - this year I opened my ears. I thank the mind numbing anti-intellectualism of the pods, Obama himself, the wildly partisan media, and Sarah Palin's lack of affectation for this willingness to, at least, listen.

(Regarding Palin I repeat: I can't imagine voting for her, but she is the real deal. She is what liberals who fought for women's rights for a century were fighting for. A working mother with ambition, who demands a seat at the table IS THE POINT. The feminist attack on her this year was a retrograde implosion. It was obscene and utterly unfair. Attacking her on issues however-totally fair.)

There is not a large audience here. But it is no longer small either.

So I invite others to submit posts.

What's off limits?

A. Racism - obviously. This is a judgement call. Strongly felt opinions about racial issues are welcome. Many call this "racism" now. It is not. It is an excuse to stop conversation. Feel free to push the envelope in any direction.

Predictions of a "race war" are a no go. I find this fear ridiculous and offensive. And weird. I am not even sure how it would work. My family is not all white. Would we go to war with our own families? We past the "race war" point a long time ago in this country.

And if you believe only whites can be racist - go away. Dig a ditch, get in it, and disappear.

B. 2008 sensitised me to sexism. L.R. will never participate in the hatred of women exhibited by Kos, Huffington, Olbermann, and their ilk. Misogyny hiding under the cover of allegedly striking a blow against racism - is still misogyny. Posts from women who understand just what occurred in 2008 are most welcome. Even those who don't think sexism was an issue in the last election - all I ask is that you prove it.

C. Arguments against full and equal inclusion of gays and lesbians are a no go -even if the argument is based in religion or some seemingly intelligent misreading of history. On this issue I am done. Completely. If you think there is a biblical reason to deny rights or that equality is destructive to heterosexuals I

a. feel bad for you.
b. wish you ill.
(how's that for blunt?)

Pretty much everything else is on the table. I love the arguments that have burst out around here regarding the stimulus bill, Gitmo, and other issues.

If something is on your mind I hope you will consider Liberal Rapture.


Not big on asking for donations. That is not the point. However, if an advertisement genuinely interests you - even for only a minute - click it. If it does not - then don't. The pittence from the google ads is a donation of sorts.

