Lunch Break: Rich hawk/Newton marriage...depression

A coyote at the dumpster...a deer or two trotting across Mullolhand Drive...a hawk killing a very sweet bird family in Koreatown...
My favorite quote about marriage:
Together they had overcome the daily incomprehension, the instantaneous hatred, the reciprocal nastiness, and fabulous flashes of glory in the conjugal conspiracy. It was the time when they both loved each other best, without hurry or excess, when both were most conscious of and grateful for their incredible victories over adversity. Life would still present them with other trials, of course, but that no longer mattered: they were on the other shore.
from Love in the Time of Cholera
By Gabriel Garcia Marquez
More great New Great Depression tips: Never spend what you don't have - It may seem obvious, but...
Frank Rich, returning from a long vacation in Kool-aid-i-stan, starts to nibble abound his beloved Barry's ankles here:When Obama defends Warren's words by calling them an example of the "wide range of viewpoints' in a "diverse and noisy and opinionated" America, he is being too cute by half. He knows full well that a "viewpoint" defaming any minority group by linking it to sexual crimes like pedophilia is unacceptable. Did Rich, or his sad sack cell mate at the NYTs, Ms. Dowd, ever give fact based reasons for their adulation of Barry? I don't remember these gassy gussies ever questioning Obama. Huh. Whatdoyaknow...liberals who forgot rule one: Question Everything.
Prayer: Dear Lord, what did we do to deserve THIS?
Music: THis is Not RoseMaRy ClooNy! Pop Song I never seem to get sick of #2:
Is that a great song or what?
Labels: disco, Frank Rich, marriage, Wayne Newton
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