Lunch Break - Boxing day, Macondo, Cruise, Klaatu, Bad Gays, Bad Shoppers, Republic of California

Quote: At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs. The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point.
From One Hundred Years of Solitude
By Gabriel Garcia Marquez
From the "Please stop hectoring us" department: Will someone tell Tom Cruise to GO AWAY. Has anyone else noticed that in all Tom Cruise vehicles he is always the worst element? Always. Imagine how much better War of the Worlds would have been with Johnny Depp or Will Smith (or a sock puppet, for that matter) saving his kid from the martians.
Speaking of martians.Klaatu from The Day the Earth Stood Still may be the role Keanu Reeves was born to play. Stiff. Emotionless. Robotic. I think we can safely say: Reeves IS Klaatu. The wikipedia entry on Reeves playing Klaatu contains this partial sentence-which makes me indescribably happy: After saving Jacob from Gort, Klaatu sacrifices himself to stop Gort by walking into the cloud of nanites and touches the sphere...
News of the Gays: Gay twins porn stars cat burglars by much joke potential in one little time. But it is true. Plus they have very sweet faces. Check is out.
Also: Homo Highness Hoping for Hot Husband. The good news is having some openly gay royalty. The bad news is that blue bloods are now doing reality television...The well of souls is, indeed, empty. At this rate the apocalypse may be a step up.
Bad Santa: the number of shoppers declined by double digits this year, auguring a dismal holiday season for retailers.
Bankrupt: California to run out of cash in 2 months.
Sounds crazy now but I bet the movement for California to secede will pick up in the next decade. Counter pointed by the move to split California in two. (Logically, it should be east/west not north/south.) The nation-state that is California must either really become one or become smaller. Also - I know it sounds crazy now- but secession movements making a come back in general would not surprise me at all. Prez with an elite vibe who won a 2% majority. Tough economy, add some slow cooked racism (though this is an optional ingredient - in parts of the land it is still added to all "recipes").It's never far from the fantasies of Texans. The Pacific Northwest has a brewing "Cascadia" identity. The New South is connected to globalization in many ways - if the economy really tanks Old South identification could rise again. Ironically, I find this the least likely candidate for a renewed secession movement.
Food for thought.
Pop Song I never seem to get sick of - Number 1: Into Your Arms, The Lemonheads.
Labels: California secession, Evan Dando, Gay porn star thiefs, Gay prince, Klaatu, The Lemonheads, Valkyrie
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