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Monday I saw an SUV with the standard Obama messiah face, but underneath the perfunctory and now meaningless "hope" had been replaced with "con man". Honks and thumbs up all around. In a delighted dither I drove to a horrific mall called the Glendale Galleria because I know a place there that makes bumper stickers on the spot. I had to have my own.
I know I am repeating myself around here. But that rhetorical dust storm you see in the distance is called blowback. And it is moving this way. Each and every bit of it satisfies my political soul. Here's a slice from the grotesquely pro-Obama L.A. Times: Speaking of Jews, Warren has publicly stated his belief that they will burn in hell...
Nice pick, Barry.
Please remember that the Warren pick is not an attempted accommodation of the Right, it is an affirmation of who Obama actually is. (Why is the Right never expected to accommodate the Left?)Further, the negative response from some Obama supporters is not so much an expression of anger and disappointment as it is a bunch of drunks coming to after a severe year long bender. Warren's beliefs regarding Jews have much in common with the Obamas' long time minister's best bud Louis Farrkahn.
In the end, they roast.
Sure its only an invocation, not a cabinet pick. (Though, many of those are suspect.). But the opportunity lost is enormous. For example The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the American Episcopal Church would have been an electrifying choice for any number of reasons. She's a she - making a statement about God, women, and inclusion. She is leading a large American denomination during a wrenching and painful fight over Gays - pleasing almost no one - but sticking to principles. The motto disagree without being disagreeable seems to be her tag line.
Warren on the other hand is openly disagreeable. I quote the L.A. Times again: Warren doesn't just oppose gay marriage, he's compared it to incest and pedophilia. He doesn't just want to ban abortion, he's compared women who terminate pregnancies to Nazis
Imagine the response from the Huffington hypocrites had a President Hillary Clinton picked this man to give the invocation.
To their credit a few on the Obama "Left" responded forcefully and without flinching. With Warren, Obama administered a hard slap to his base. He might be decent enough to allow the most delusional Obots - groaning over the toilets at his after party - a quiet hangover.
I know I am repeating myself around here. But that rhetorical dust storm you see in the distance is called blowback. And it is moving this way. Each and every bit of it satisfies my political soul. Here's a slice from the grotesquely pro-Obama L.A. Times: Speaking of Jews, Warren has publicly stated his belief that they will burn in hell...
Nice pick, Barry.
Please remember that the Warren pick is not an attempted accommodation of the Right, it is an affirmation of who Obama actually is. (Why is the Right never expected to accommodate the Left?)Further, the negative response from some Obama supporters is not so much an expression of anger and disappointment as it is a bunch of drunks coming to after a severe year long bender. Warren's beliefs regarding Jews have much in common with the Obamas' long time minister's best bud Louis Farrkahn.
In the end, they roast.
Sure its only an invocation, not a cabinet pick. (Though, many of those are suspect.). But the opportunity lost is enormous. For example The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the American Episcopal Church would have been an electrifying choice for any number of reasons. She's a she - making a statement about God, women, and inclusion. She is leading a large American denomination during a wrenching and painful fight over Gays - pleasing almost no one - but sticking to principles. The motto disagree without being disagreeable seems to be her tag line.
Warren on the other hand is openly disagreeable. I quote the L.A. Times again: Warren doesn't just oppose gay marriage, he's compared it to incest and pedophilia. He doesn't just want to ban abortion, he's compared women who terminate pregnancies to Nazis
Imagine the response from the Huffington hypocrites had a President Hillary Clinton picked this man to give the invocation.
To their credit a few on the Obama "Left" responded forcefully and without flinching. With Warren, Obama administered a hard slap to his base. He might be decent enough to allow the most delusional Obots - groaning over the toilets at his after party - a quiet hangover.
Labels: Barack Obama, Katharine Jefferts Schori, Rick Warren
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