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Monday, December 29, 2008

The Barack the Magic Negro brouhaha

Many people are angry about the lyrics below sung to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon:

Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
'Cause he's not authentic like me.
Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper
Said he makes guilty whites feel good
They'll vote for him, and not for me
'Cause he's not from the hood.

The rest of the song can be heard here.

It is okay as far as satire goes. Not great. A little funny. The singer is supposed to be Al Sharpton - though I would not have known this had I not read it first. Speaking very much for myself: As a send ups go it gets a C plus.

I don't see how this little piece of mockery crosses any line. Is it the word "negro"? The word serves two functions without being offensive in my book. 1. It has 2 syllables like "dragon" so it fits. 2. It is used to mock WHITE PEOPLE. Good lord, are we so trapped in the sensitivity fog that we can't see something so obvious.

In fact , until the end of the clip the entire song is mocking white liberals. Therein lies the real issue. The media reaction that makes this "news" (it is not) comes from whites who do not like being called out for what is an obvious truth: they voted for BHO in part because he's black. Wouldn't it be nice if these types would own up to it. As a Left leaner I've done this kind of voting many times. When presented with a slate of judges I know nothing about I vote for the woman. Why? It satisfies me and my gut tells me we need more women on the bench.

Whoop Dee Do.

Should I do due diligence on all candidates? I guess. But there is an election in California every full moon. I participate. I think it is important.

Voting for President is the big leagues, though. If I'd looked into Obama and found him experienced and qualified and reasonably ethical his being bi-racial would have caused me to pull the lever for him with a little extra zing. It's about damn time the all while male President club dissolved. But I found little worthy about the man except his being bi-racial. So I voted for a black woman - who is wildly unsuited for the job - but it was a safe bet she was not going to win. I made a little statement. Plus, I like the Green Party. Though nearly pointless in the U.S., they serve a purpose.

Of all the denial white liberals have indulged in this year, pretending their votes for Obama had nothing to do with him being a safe Black, has now reached a level of absurdity. It is thicker than molasses frozen in tundra. This denial got ugly when Ferarro pointed it out last Spring. That bug eyed ego maniac Olbermann, apparently taking it personally, did not like the implication that he was a smug brat. So he attacked the first female V.P. nominee proving himself to be...a smug brat. With fully engorged privileged white maleness he screamed RACIST!

Like so much of the racial conversation this year - this brouhaha has little to do with blacks. The song is mocking white guilt. With apologies to any black Americans who are offended by this song - let me say once again - while pretending to be open and liberal all whites are doing here is chattering amongst themselves about black people. It is what we do instead of self examination and/or taking responsibility. I presume Black Americans are already quite clear about this character defect with the majority.

Now what I do find stupid, but not surprising, is that a GOP politician included this on a Christmas CD. WTF? The man is a moron. Neither party will ever have a corner on the dumbass market.

Besides, Obama consciously presented himself as a safe black man to whites. It was part of his plan. I, for one, reserve the right to mock the President of the United States and his fan base regardless of their race.

The end of the clip dives into some mockery of Sharpton. So what? Is there anyone more mockable on the American scene? Paris Hilton comes to mind, but few others.

Meanwhile a pastor who said all gays were child molesters and Jews would burn in hell will be giving the blessing at the inauguration. To THAT many of the same white liberals are yelping for gays and lesbians to "get over it."

Among the chattering "liberals" some victims of oppression are more worthy than others this year. Women, Jews, and gays get thine arses to the back of the bus and SHUT UP!

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