We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Monday, October 20, 2008

Scandal train a coming.

Okay the blogger in me must confess (again) that the prospect of an Obama victory doesn't bother me all that much anymore. My primary anger has always been directed toward the lack of accountability from the faux liberal media and faux white liberals.
There is nothing "post racial" about Obama or this campaign. In fact, race has been weaponized in a Helms/Wallace fashion - the difference being the Left has the Uzi now. There is nothing "post racial" about electing a guy with Obama's resume simply because the country needs a guilt purge. As I've said before - it isn't even real guilt. I don't speak for all but I know I speak for many when I say moderate and liberal whites are sick of the topic. They feel very little actual guilt about past or current sins. The worm turned with the O.J. verdict. On some level many white voters will look at an Obama victory as a way to say "Okay, we did it. Can we stop taking about it now?" Of course, no one will actually say that. But it will be the internal fall back the next time Jackson or Sharpton make hay about some self generated "social justice" issue. It's like the husband giving the wife an over the top bouquet for a transgression he really doesn't see an issue with - just to end the argument. White liberals feel an obligation to vote for Obama but not much else. The most committed PODs will take a while longer to decompress - but those voters - even the dead ones - can't win him the election. He needs the moderate and liberal whites and many of them NEED to vote for him -but not much else.

I must say I rather look forward to the first time the "race card" is played in the potential Obama years. The media has been unwilling to call bullshit on the Obama campaign on this or anything - the need to see him elected is so strong. But once - if - he wins that job is done. If it is all Obama all the time they will have to find a story. And happy tales of Obama's "style" and intelligence won't keep the masses watching. This media survival mechanism combined with the Right's belief that being out of power is an unnatural state will bring on the parade of scandals now being down played. (Look for the NYT to lead the way in the attack on Obama.)Rezko alone could end the party very quickly. Fitzgerald didn't agree to put off sentencing to swap recipes with Tony. He is getting something. Reps have to be elected every two years after all and Chicago corruption doesn't sit well in North Carolina. Or anywhere else outside Chicago.

A race card backlash is not the reason I've become sublime about Obama possibly winning. That is the sad but inevitable outcome of Obama's degradation of the real issue all year. Real racism will not be taken nearly as seriously for a very long time.

I want Obama vetted. Without excuses. I see no way this will happen in the next 2 weeks. But the job will expose him. Ask Deval Patrick who ran the campaign Obama is now running. His approval is at 38%. The numbers that have caved the most are within his core support group. "Hope and change" lasted about 6 months.

Is the country at risk? Am I saying that I want to see Obama in office regardless of the consequences just so he'll finally get vetted? No. The country will survive one BHO term. If it lasts that long. (I mean here a scandal forcing him out and nothing else.) In fact, we might actually sober up a bit.

Sidebar: Is a Biden scandal brewing? Check it out.

