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Monday, October 13, 2008

Salivating for Obama

I keep asking why the media is so intent on covering for Obama. Obviously it is not for lack of information. Negative information about BHO is everywhere. Footage of BHO campaigning for Odinga played as much as the Clinton Bosnia footage makes sense. It brings to the fore real questions of judgement. Much more so than Clinton's Bosnia comment. A realistic investigation and timeline of the Obama/Ayres relationships would also seem in order. Neither of these examples need be unfair. Just truthful. It would not take much for the main stream press to look into these items. And yet, only individuals and to a degree Fox has done any homework on Obama.

The evidence that the MSM has now completely lurched into a propaganda machine is proven by 3 cases. John Edwards known affair was kept quiet until the primaries were over. This bizarre omission is telling. What was the purpose? The media loves an affair. (One could argue that the Clinton/Monica "crisis" was overblown to keep him in check.)
Secondly, Obama has lied repeatedly on the stump...Selma, and Ayres comes to mind. Yet, Clinton's "Bosnia" moment was beaten into the ground. Obama's lies? Not covered.
Scores of reporters where sent to Alaska after Palin was chosen - almost none have been sent to Chicago. Why?

The media is molding our perceptions of Obama - but to what end? Is it simply a blind spot? I doubt it.

Is it true adulation of the man? Some clearly is.

The best answer I can come up with is that the media wants a President it can control and then destroy. Crazy conspiracy theory? Maybe. But the bias is overwhelming. Anyone not a Obamabot can see this. If someone has a better idea I'd like to hear it.

The installation of Obama is moving along. The media malfeasance is making this process much easier for him. I don't fear creeping socialism much. It's been creeping along in the U.S. for a long while. Nor do I fear Obama being a corrupt Wall Street stooge. If this is the case we'll just have more of the same. What I do fear is a man with so many secrets having to serve many masters. Who will be in charge? Soros? Ayres? MSNBC? The Prime Minster of Kenya?

CONTROL is the only logical reason that I can see for the MSM to be continuing its glowing coverage of Obama. Even if just the ACORN story breaks wide after Obama's election - he is delegitimized. A pardon of Rezko has the same effect. It appears Seymour Hersh was a confirmation source for the "Whitey tape" at the very least being known to exist. Hersh is not exactly a right wing kook. yet - no MSM outlet has looked into it. That tape - shown on 1/21/09 would enrage the electorate and hobble a President Obama.

So why is the media salivating for an Obama Administration?

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