We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A reading from The Obama Scriptures - The Lord Speaketh

From the GOSPEL OF THE LIGHTBRINGER. This is the only known gospel in which the ONE
speaks to us in the first person.

Chapter 6
Verses 66-666

So, my children is has come to passeth that I have it sowneth up
(except if you count today's Gallup poll.)
I have now purchaseth mucho airtimeth on all the media outlets
For 30 minutes I will speaketh of why I am the one who is to be your leader
and YOU will listen
For the kingdom of heaven belongeth to those who come with me
to the promised land of "cool"
For I am cool.

Since the time of my birtheth in Hawaii or Kenya
The wise men have come to worship at my altar.
Look to Ayres, and Rezko
and Wright and Olberman
Are they not wise men?

Look to the Democratic Socialist of amerika
And Frank Marshall Davis
Are they not wise?

Look to Odinga and Huffington
and Hamas and Oprah and Soros
All have endorsed me.

For we must taketh the wealth of the middle and give it to the rich
while we sayeth we are giving it to the poor.

For we must say we are leaving Iraq
While we stay in Iraq.

For we must bring Israel to heal
and spliteth Jerusalem
As my squire Joe Biden has warned.

For now is the time for all to come together

I am the Truth and the Light and the Way
No one shall come before me and expect to be rewarded
I say unto you: It shall be easier for Bill O to get into MY Lincoln bedroom
that it shall be for a man who does not follow me to get into heaven.

So you much watch my show on Wednesday
and you must be hypnotized by my greatness.

Thus speaketh the Lord.

Now I must go out back for a smoketh.


