We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Friday, October 17, 2008

Pod mobs

Obama pods are amazing. Another report today of POD violence. A female McCain volunteer was assaulted by a passing Pod. The scariest aspect of these people is not that they attack - this goes with the territory when a deranged personality cult driven mob as been nurtured and grown . (One has to wonder when McCain partisans will hit back, though.) The physical and cyber attacks are to be expected.
What IS scary is the utter lack of knowledge the pods actually have about Obama. I have yet to hear an Obama supporter that can factually articulate reasons for their support. They support an idea, a concept, a hologram - that has almost nothing to do with the actual person called Barack Hussein Obama. Given facts about Obama they respond with screaming or blank looks. Mobs that follow blindly are the most dangerous. If Obama wins and has a Democratic majority (both very likely) these cultist Pod attacks will continue unchecked.

I am reprinting a reader comment below. Many, many of us recognize this scenario. The pod being questioned has no - absolutely NO - connection to reality. One has to wonder what these people are going to do when/if the real Obama starts to govern. What will they do when they realize they have been duped? I doubt they will come clean. My guess is they will become more strident and hysterical. And this hysteria will be funneled into a "civilian corps" - and aided and abetted by Kos and Hufffington and MSNBC and the always cowardly CNN.

Here is the reader post:

I had the pleasure of sitting among some of SF's political (and of course self described progressive) elite recently, lawyers, judges and politicos, and all Obama koolaid drinkers. One person in particular became the focus of my attention after proudly exclaimed she is heading the local Obama office in her precinct. She started rattling off all his glories of how educated he is, what a great speaker he is, how historic his becoming president would be, and then I asked THE question... what are his major accomplishments that you know of that would indicate he would be a great president.

The look I got on the woman's face, was first one of gasping amazement, like how could I even dare ask such a question, so I asked it again. Then the next look I got next reminded me of a scene from Fargo, when Brainard Police Chief Marge Gunderson was at the auto dealership questioning Jerry Lundegaard. The facial expressions and contortions with the stunned silence that William H. Macy gave to that character were recreated by this woman.

After a few minutes of these contortions she said we just have have to elect him and that she is very scared he will lose, plus the obligatory move out of the country if he does lose assertion. At that point I reassured her, Obama can't lose because he and Acorn are running the biggest voter fraud operation ever seen in this country to steal an election, Chicago politics gone national, because if we do ever start questioning his qualifications, he loses big time. At this point the contortions became even more exaggerated and she actually started crying.

Only God knows what was happening in her head at that moment. Were the synapses starting to connect again and she realized she really had no rational reason to vote for Obama? Was she unprepared for anything less than a fawning tribute in praise of her messiah? Also interesting, no one within earshot of us was able to come to her defense, other than an exhortation that you must vote for Obama as in there is no other choice.

