The phenomenon is the tool.

Given that 9 months later I have yet to hear a single soul give intelligent reasons for supporting Obama - there are some good reasons, they just aren't very smart - and given that 9 months later the "Obama is change" meme has hit a critical mass - one has to wonder at what point will the kids wake up and realize they are the tools? The tools of George Soros, and ACORN, and Big Media, and the dime store socialists, and Wall Street bankers in need of some socialism. That all those kids with there andy warholized Obama/Che Guevara posters have been, are being, and will be used until they are no longer useful. Then thrown, with out mercy or a single thought, into the deep and endless river of power and corruption.
All I see around LA lately are cars with that sickening Warhol Obama that says "hope." Near Paramount today I saw Obama rendered as superman on a poster plastered on a bus stop.
The eyes had been scratched out - which did give me hope. Some kids just won't play along.
Confession time: a part of me wants Obama to win because victory is the only thing that will expose Obama finally and completely. Time has done it already if you look hard. But the "press" won't tell any truth - until they must. But first, all those white liberals need to get a black man elected to assuage their faux guilt and have a season in smugville. And it is faux guilt. Press any reasonably intelligent white liberal hard enough and they will reveal that they have little or no guilt for the state of Black America. And certainly take no responsibility for it. The game is blame. Most of the time, if truth be told, the blame is unconsciously directed at their own conservative parents.
The worm will turn. It may have already as now Gallup and Zogby confirm that the race is back to being a dead heat. It may not be enough to see Obama lose. But the queasiness many are feeling about THE ONE will translate into a numb frustration, then anger, soon enough.
As for the kids - and I include the middle aged fools on the bandwagon - for them the novelty of a Black President won't last more than a few months. Policy has to be made. Nothing kills a buzz quite like policy. All those lobbyists and entrenched power brokers in D.C. do not care about "hope" and "change" if it doesn't benefit them. And they really don't care about kids with Obama t-shirts.
The phenomenon is the tool. When the tool is not necessary it will be tossed.
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