Lunch Break - Gay of the Day, Creepy Obama associate of the day, Kate meets Petruchio
Gay of the day - Lily Tomlin. A true genius.
In an era when most of our out-front lesbian role models are relationship-hopping, and relationships, whether straight or gay, that last a lifetime seem to be increasingly few and far between, Tomlin and Wagner's thirty four years together are not only commendable, they are an inspiration.
Vote no on Prop 8
Check it out.
Creepy Obama Associate of the Day
- His minions. The large number of fiends (usually young) who have no moral center, no idea who Obama is, and could care less -but are still acting like a crazed mob on his "behalf" Why do I loath you pod people so - because the picture below is expressing a sentiment that is routine among the Pods. Not exceptional.
No-one (thank God) would dare to wear a shirt emblazoned with the message "BARACK OBAMA IS A NIGGER." Yet these kids think cunt is funny. cute...Anyone who read comments on Kos during the primaries knows that hating strong women is a prime force behind the Obama craze. Bro's before Ho's. Calling for Hillary's death or calling her a cunt were daily occurrences on Kos. I would like to take that girl by her ear and have every feminist in the last 100 years line up and slap her across the face.

A wee bit of Shakespeare:
Finally a little taste of Shakespeare for today... not a speech...more of a recommendation: The American Conservatory Theaters 1976 production of The Taming of the Shrew is a masterpiece. It is available on Amazon.
a little tease - wish I could have found more:
In an era when most of our out-front lesbian role models are relationship-hopping, and relationships, whether straight or gay, that last a lifetime seem to be increasingly few and far between, Tomlin and Wagner's thirty four years together are not only commendable, they are an inspiration.
Vote no on Prop 8
Check it out.
Creepy Obama Associate of the Day
- His minions. The large number of fiends (usually young) who have no moral center, no idea who Obama is, and could care less -but are still acting like a crazed mob on his "behalf" Why do I loath you pod people so - because the picture below is expressing a sentiment that is routine among the Pods. Not exceptional.
No-one (thank God) would dare to wear a shirt emblazoned with the message "BARACK OBAMA IS A NIGGER." Yet these kids think cunt is funny. cute...Anyone who read comments on Kos during the primaries knows that hating strong women is a prime force behind the Obama craze. Bro's before Ho's. Calling for Hillary's death or calling her a cunt were daily occurrences on Kos. I would like to take that girl by her ear and have every feminist in the last 100 years line up and slap her across the face.

A wee bit of Shakespeare:
Finally a little taste of Shakespeare for today... not a speech...more of a recommendation: The American Conservatory Theaters 1976 production of The Taming of the Shrew is a masterpiece. It is available on Amazon.
a little tease - wish I could have found more:
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