Khalidi question
Rashid Khalidi is a good friend of the Obamas. Mr. Khalidi is PLO apologist who has given vocal support to suicide bombers. He was a PLO spokesman when it was a U.S. designated terror group. Take those facts alone. Now imagine if McCain or Clinton were good friends with Khalidi. What would MSNBC, Huffington, and the rest be doing with this information??
Featuring clips of Leon Klinghoffer, the wheelchair bound Jew shot and dumped into the sea aboard the Achille Largo by members of the P.L.O. - that's what.
This gets to my primary beef with the media and this campaign. Obama gets a pass on everything. EVERYTHING. How ever one comes down on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict - would the American media give a pass to any other candidate regarding this friendship? No, of course not.
Why does Obama get the all purpose pass on all his questionable connections? Please read that question as a question - not a complaint. I want to know why. Can it be as simple as "they like him"? I don't buy it. There is a reason for Obama's elevation at the cost of truth. What is it?
Ayres oversaw the maiming of American citizens.
Rezko took government cash while slum dwellers, in slums he owned, froze.
Khalidi supported the murder of innocents.
Any rational person questions the judgement of Obama. And yet the media does not. My hometown paper the Los Angeles Times is the latest example of blatantly covering up information that the public needs to know if it is to make an informed decision.
Featuring clips of Leon Klinghoffer, the wheelchair bound Jew shot and dumped into the sea aboard the Achille Largo by members of the P.L.O. - that's what.
This gets to my primary beef with the media and this campaign. Obama gets a pass on everything. EVERYTHING. How ever one comes down on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict - would the American media give a pass to any other candidate regarding this friendship? No, of course not.
Why does Obama get the all purpose pass on all his questionable connections? Please read that question as a question - not a complaint. I want to know why. Can it be as simple as "they like him"? I don't buy it. There is a reason for Obama's elevation at the cost of truth. What is it?
Ayres oversaw the maiming of American citizens.
Rezko took government cash while slum dwellers, in slums he owned, froze.
Khalidi supported the murder of innocents.
Any rational person questions the judgement of Obama. And yet the media does not. My hometown paper the Los Angeles Times is the latest example of blatantly covering up information that the public needs to know if it is to make an informed decision.
Labels: Barack Obama, Khalidi, media cover up
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