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Saturday, October 18, 2008

in your face

Much is said about the effort the Obama campaign puts into camouflage. Dismissing obvious deep ties to crooks and radicals. Throwing inconvenient truths and people under the bus. Having entire cable news networks spinning propaganda at the speed of light. All interesting. All evidence that we are being mislead. And, God knows, there is reason to mislead the public about Obama.

The guy stinks.

But I also wonder about that which Obama makes no effort to hide. There are moments through out this year when there is no logic to the affront. The idiocy. It is audacious. In your face. The Greek Parthenon set is a good example - in a football stadium no less. Either his ego is that fragile or we were being told something. Or there is the weirdness of an American presidential candidate skipping a visit to wounded troops. That is what is was: weird. There was no logical reason for it. He could have done it in private. The press would have fawned from outside the room. So what? How about the laughable Presidential seal. What was the thinking in THAT meeting? Then there is the hands clasped when one should have been over his heart like everyone else. Tiny, it would seem. But...
I read at Noquarter that the Obama campaign cancelled the singing of the national anthem at a rally in New Hampshire - to make more time for speakers. Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Having been to six bajillion baseball games I can say that the national anthem is, in fact, quite short. Now what is the logic here? Would it not have made better P.R. sense to gently tell the first speaker - no doubt a village alderman or state senator - that his speech would have to be 4 minutes and not 5. Or for the rally to go on for one more minute.

It is almost as if they are saying, "It's not your country anymore. We are taking it. We will appropriate or ignore all the symbols YOU connect to NATION."

See, even if it was just a low level worker who cancelled the anthem - it says something that no one stepped in. This is a campaign culture in which the national anthem doesn't matter. I am not judging this so much as observing it. Why would this tightly controlled campaign make these decisions?

