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Sunday, October 26, 2008

If he wins...

5 things that will startle Obama's clueless voters in the first year:

1. He will be forced to take military action against Iran. The U.S. military won't allow a Prez. O to look the other way. I know a number of prominent liberals in my community who - a few years back- insisted they would refuse to pay taxes if W attacked Iran. I wonder how they will react if BHO does? "Well gee, he's just a politician...." the stock answer when Obama sold his soul and voted for FISA???

2. He will be much harder on Israel than expected. Everyone from Samantha Power to Jesse Jackson is telegraphing as much. Many Jewish liberals are in for a shock.

3. The draw down in Iraq will be a continuation of Bush's policy. There will be no real change in Iraq policy. (though they will insist they are responsible for for the good and blame Bush for all bad)

4. The economy will go from bad to worse. The primary policy will be "bailouts" one after another after another - but they won't be directed at the "joe the plumbers" they will be for the investment class and big business i.e. those financing his campaign now.
The job market is going to get grimmer. Obama is a fantastic speaker but he does not "feel your pain" like Clinton did or inspire faith like FDR did - which is what the country will need. A lot a blue collar dems that are sucking it up and voting for BHO now will turn on him with ferocity.

And his policies will be directed at helping those who brought him to the party. A hell of a lot of pro BHO younger people, thrown out of work are going to see how quickly they are thrown under the bus.

5. Budget cuts will have to be made. The military will not be cut. Even the most myopic Code Pink freaks will have a moment of lucidity.

I will be adding to this list as time goes by.....

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