We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Friday, October 24, 2008

For God's sake, let's get on with it.

I am bored with the election. There I said it. It seems like I should be writing "barring a large unforeseen event" here...but even a large unforeseen event would make no difference. I am bored because this election is over as far as I am concerned. Ah, if only it was THIS Tuesday. The blogger in me wants to move on to writing about what happens next. What is interesting to me now is how and when the BHO pixie dust wears off. I'd like to fast forward and get to it. But for the next 11 days the band aid will continue to be ripped off slooooowly.

All the stars have aligned for Obama. Even the GOP wants to lose this election. And who can blame them.
Journalism died in the nick of time for Obama. Actually - it has been in a coma since 2003 - awakening after Katrina sunk W - idiots responding to a CAT 4 will wake anyone up. Then it died for good this year.

Questions of interest to me now:
1. Will Obama govern from the Clinton middle or the Arugula Left
2. If, as I assume, Obama governs from the middle when will the Whole Foods Nation turn?
3. Will another version of the media emerge and begin to actually report on Obama? Yes - but when? It will start with BHO's first mistake. How long will the honeymoon be?
4. What kind of executive will he be?
5. Will his ego trump his ability to lead or be an adjunct to it?
6. And that "test" Biden talked about...what will it be?

I like the sport of campaigns. It is why the primaries were so disgusting to me. The rules were clearly obliterated. The general election has been more watchable - but barely. McCain did not learn from Clinton's mistakes. Rove - who does not call me for advice - got it right recently when he said McCain needed to hammer at the Ayres/Rezko stuff much earlier. Then a "joe the plumber" moment becomes an event that shifts the landscape. Luck is the residue of design. McCain will be a gentleman senator and not a gentleman President. When the media is in love with the other guy you've got to go over their collective "heads." That seems basic. But McCain never did it. The only way he could have trumped the media obama orgy is to go after BHO hammer and tongs earlier. He has defined Obama for 40% of the population. He needs 51%.

Besides I like the ruff and tumble. Democracy is better when there is blood in the water. This is the way we get to see our potential leaders. It is also why fair trials are confrontational. The old warrior did not seem to realize he was in a war until the last 2 weeks.

I suppose Obama ran a good campaign. Who knows? The media never questioned him. He's not being elected, he's being elevated. I want to have some admiration for BHO's campaign but I am left with the sense that it was a formality. An entertainment. The collective powers that be want Obama and Obama is who they-and we- shall get.

I felt the same thing in 2000. I never thought Bush would NOT become President. The POWER was behind him. Same thing this year. Obama is owned. He may not even know it. But he is.

The nice thing here is that - whether I wrote about it or not I don't know: I can't remember - I thought this election was over a while ago and I've adjusted myself to it. And frankly, my expectations for BHO are so low it will be impossible to be disappointed.

Many others are not so lucky.

