Amos and Andy and Sarah
I am posting the ad below not because I endorse Palin as a candidate. I don't. I am almost certainly going to vote Green. However, the shafting of Palin by a biased propaganda machine usually referred to as the "media" has been severe and harsh. The way both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin have been treated should be of concern to real liberals. The attempt to diminish Palin has been overt. This is classic sexism. Women are not taken as seriously as men. Hence the continuing difference in pay rates. Any way to exploit this lingering stereotype is amplified.
Palin did not help her cause by bumbling at least 3 interviews. But this is a matter of style not substance. Handling a confrontational interview is a learned skill. Given her new appearance on the national scene it should have been expected that she would not be good at it. The fact is Biden is a routinely a disaster in this context. His idiocies are ignored by the media. (When asked about ACORN yesterday Biden lied at least 3 times within a minute.)
The mocking of Palin is analogous to Amos and Andy in the 1930' and 40's. A riff on a stereotype meant to play off the degradation an entire group of second class citizens.
Palin is a relatively new Governor, but she is accomplished and daring. She is more accomplished than BHO by a large margin. I may not agree with some of what she has promoted but she is an effective Executive.
I will not vote for her ticket for policy reasons. Still, it is clear her treatment by the media has been bigoted and nasty.
Palin did not help her cause by bumbling at least 3 interviews. But this is a matter of style not substance. Handling a confrontational interview is a learned skill. Given her new appearance on the national scene it should have been expected that she would not be good at it. The fact is Biden is a routinely a disaster in this context. His idiocies are ignored by the media. (When asked about ACORN yesterday Biden lied at least 3 times within a minute.)
The mocking of Palin is analogous to Amos and Andy in the 1930' and 40's. A riff on a stereotype meant to play off the degradation an entire group of second class citizens.
Palin is a relatively new Governor, but she is accomplished and daring. She is more accomplished than BHO by a large margin. I may not agree with some of what she has promoted but she is an effective Executive.
I will not vote for her ticket for policy reasons. Still, it is clear her treatment by the media has been bigoted and nasty.
Labels: biden, bigotry, media bias, Palin, sexism
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