We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lunch Break: Soetoro lies/stages of Pods on L.R./ Rosen kisses Dr. Freud/ Rufus Wainright is an Angel

This list is old now but I am re posting it. Obama's lies. Please add on. Random pods come around here and demand L.R. rehash what we have been saying for over a year.

Forget it.

BHO being a craven, lying politician is proven beyond all doubt. Read the archives on this blog. Read his positions in July 07 and July 08 on FISA. Google it yourselves. Start with Alice Palmer and move forward chronologically. End on Obama running over Rev Wright in April. Keep going. Get all sides. The evidence for BHO being the most corrupt empty politician in 100 years is strong.

The onus in NOW ON YOU, PODS, NOT US.

And, you Obama nim rods, the "character" of posters here - what ever they add up to - is not the issue. DUH. As far as I know none of my regular readers are a major party nominee for the Presidency. God, you guys are pathetic.
The five stages of Pods who land on L.R.

1. Pretend to be upset and flabbergasted we could be against Obama.

2. Insult.

3. Try to appear reasonable. All the while never addressing the on going and relentless concerns of this blog.

4. Insulate we "must be Republican" -

as if

A. This is the equivalent to child killer.


B. Being against Obama automatically equates to Republican. This, of course, is the brand of logic they always use.

5. Scream - RACIST!

6. Leave. Wherein they go back to the brackish waters of HuffinPuff and Cheetos.

What the pods never do is address the meat of a post directly.

Hillary Rosen was Interviewed by Anderson Cooper after Hillary Clinton's Speech. Said this:

"It was pretty overwhelming . . . This was a clarion call of grace and power... More importantly this was a message from Hillary Clinton that basically said, "I am not your therapist. I am a Democrat. No matter what you are doing you need to get it together and vote for John McCain( ) if you care about energy and middle class tax cuts and jobs and health care ..."

HAHAHA. Smart Dems know what they've done.

And today's clip - Rufus Wainwright is an angel. This song is gorgeous.

