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Monday, August 18, 2008

It is past time we went after the media.

Sweetness and Light really brings Soetoro-Obama's lack of accomplishment home. Even with the prestigious titles he can legitimately claim he's done nothing of note once he got the position.
As for the rest of his "accomplishments", they are what are called in sane society - lies.

Yes, I take his resume hijinks personally. I live in this country. I claim my part of it. Just how many people are involved in this Obama conspiracy of crap? Just how many people who know better are cosigning this man's bulls**t check? More than that - why are they doing it? Why are so many engaging in this craven exercise that affects us all?

I am not even referring to the clearly delusional Pod people. They are just screwy in the head.
Regardless of how loud the megaphone they hold now-there are not enough of them to win. HE needs the middle and the middle needs truthful information to decide.

The fault here lies with the shills at CNN, that Olbermann network, the New York Times etc. And the shills at the DNC. They hate the middle. They hate the facts. They hate us.

There is no point in even debating whether he's qualified or not anymore. He's not. It's like debating a flat earther. Pointless. What is galling now is the almost criminally negligent media. If Obama buffaloes his way into the White House - okay - it's not like it will be the first time. We will pay the price and move on.

But the utter and complete destruction of the media in America concerns me a great deal. At least 2/3's of the MSM has impaled its last remaining scrap of objectivity on the charlatan from Illinois. Without a strong 4th estate, democracy is dead.

The media conspiracy of crap is real. We need no more proof than the Edward's affair. They will not tell the truth if it hurts someone they like unless they are FORCED by mass action.

Should Obama lose, as soon as he is dismissed back to his Senate seat, and Dean and Brazille are thrown to the wolves - conscientious Americans must demand a reformation of the media.

In fact, the media - and I mean the OAM - Obama Adulation Media - should be made to heal now. I am not happy that the only course correction Dean etc has left for us is electing a Republican.

But so be it. They created the hologram called Obama - not us.

