We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday night thoughts


I have long postulated that Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The Confluence has a wonderful piece that backs up my speculation. Please read it. It pretty much says it all.

The election

I can't second guess how this election will turn out. One week I think an Obama victory seems in the offing, and the next I wonder why he can't close the deal with so many voters. Right now I think - Sure, Obama will win - how can he not? Then I remember the 3000 skeletons in his closet. The GOP will not give up the White House without a lot of bloodletting.

But then I think of McCain's liabilities. Unlike the Democrats the GOP chose the strongest person in the field. But he ain't that strong. Obama remains 5-9 points ahead. Then you look at states like Colorado and Ohio where McCain has pulled even or is leading. So I wonder.

Here is what I predict (and I want it here to see if I am correct.) unlike 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, and 04 - but like 2000 - something, large and unforeseen is going to have a hand in this election. I don't mean a flub in a close race - like Bush 1 glancing at his watch in the debate - or Carter blowing the last debate (people forget that Carter lead Reagan in the polls until the last weekend). I mean something outside the known process. I have no idea what that will be or who it will help - but let's see if my hunch plays out.

And on this topic - let me repeat: Obama is a made man. The propulsion of this guy to his current position is NOT based on his talents, and certainly not his accomplishments, as there are none. Powerful forces lined up behind him early on. What I do not know is if those forces merely wanted Clinton gone or if they want this man in the White House.

Now about the Surge.

It seems to be working. We should be glad and proud that it is.

Obviously, this hurts Obama. He choked badly when asked by Katie Couric to explain his position. McCain's take on Iraq is the adult view. There, I said it. I loath and detest this war - but we are where we are.

The GOP is crowing about the surge working way too much. The meme being that "Bush was right all along."

This is bullshit.

The fact is that once Rumsfeld left the stage some sanity may have been brought to bear on W. The next fact is that had W and Rummy taken Powell's initial advice on the invasion, the disintegration of Iraq (that lead to the necessity of a surge in troops) would not have occurred.

War on the cheap was a disastrous policy. Countless lives were lost and billions of dollars wasted because, once the decision to invade was made, the actual invasion force was too small.

Besides a few well placed attacks in Iraq is all it would take for the "surge"worm to turn. If a holy site gets hit the whole place will look like a mess again in one news cycle.

