A reading from the Obama Scriptures - the story of the ass kissers' travels

The Book of Katie, Brian, and Charlie
Chapter 6
Verse 66
And it came to passeth that the Lord, had no experience.
And every one knew this.
For he had accomplished nothing
in the realm of the foreign affair-eth.
So it also came to passeth
that he had to make the peoples see
that he could act like a President.
For if he could pretend to be President
the reporters would love-eth him
and make the peoples see he seemed like a President.
So in those days a trip was planned.
To divers places.
For the Lord was to meet the many Kings
and stand next to them for to a Photo op-eth.
And the ass kissers flew with him.
For they wanted to kiss the Lord's ass in divers places.
Katie and Brian and Charlie went
For they were to kiss the Lord on the ass.
For in those days they loved to kiss the Lord's ass
for reasons no one knew.
For they licked and slobbered upon the Lord's ass.
Like one's possessed
of the ass kiss demon
who does tingleth the legs.
The Lord did pretend to be President
in the foreign lands.
And tried to act like a Great Man
Who had accomplished much.
The Lord promised the foreign people
many things
as if he were already President.
For the Lord likes to pretend
for pretending makes his ego to be happy.
And the ass kissers bowed down in adoration
with gifts of airtime, and softball questions, and, occasionally, waffles and cigarettes.
But many peoples knew
And those peoples lay in wait.
Like PUMAs.
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