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Friday, July 25, 2008

Adding Rove to the mix.

A few months ago I wrote a piece called The Obama Conspiracy. It was musings and conjecture - based on hunches and observations. I felt then - and feel now - that what was known about the campaign did not logically add up. Too much seemed odd, out of place. Please go read this article about Brazile's shenanigan's which fleshes out my hunches:
"This is a new moment to identify and recruit better messengers," she wrote. "Perhaps it's time to tap into the 'Obama' factor..."It was a novel way to spin the Illinois election. Obama
did score a landslide victory that year, but it had little to do with his age, energy level or the obsolete nature of the Democratic Party establishment. His campaign manager David Axelrod ran the classic Rovian smear campaign, first accusing Obama's top primary contender of sexual impropriety. After disgracing Blair Hull out of contention, Axelrod used the same device against the G.O.P. primary winner, Jack Ryan.

What has been off about this year?

*Obama's money haul was enormous. Out of line with what "small donors" would have contributed.

* The Media was "in the tank" for Obama so completely that it seemed off - even by pathetic American media standards.

* The "get out, Hillary" chants were loud, early and often. Some were to be expected. But most were simply bizarre. She was clearly a major contender through out. There was no logic to the insistence she get out.

* Dean and Brazile were clearly working for Obama.

*Obama simply was not being vetted. At all.

* The Michigan and Florida gamesmanship was internally damaging to the Democratic Party, and yet the Democrats were the players.

* The purging of Democratic blogs of any pro Hillary sentiment was so complete and ruthless it was almost surreal.

I thought then - and do now - that a convergence of power players behind the scenes gamed the election for Obama. Actually, and more on point, they gamed the primary season to force Clinton out. But to what end? Try as many have to change facts - the FACT remains Obama is a weak general election candidate. Weird, sometimes corrupt, personal history, many sketchy associations, and an empty resume may not bother some delusional masses - but Democratic power brokers know better. Many of those propping up Obama must have known he was a weak General Election prospect.

So defeat the most electable Democrat in the Democratic primary? Why would Democrats do this?


1. A desire to ensure the end of the Clinton era once and for all. Obama being the new star, he was chosen to do this.

This is obviously what many people believe.

2. A genuine belief that Obama would make a better candidate, but needed help to defeat the "Clinton machine."

I don't buy this. While Obama has inspired many, those who play the game up close, see him for what he is. A charismatic pol with few, if any, core values. Also, there is no "Clinton machine."

3. A desire to destroy the Democratic party from within coupled with a desire to LOSE the general election.

I know. I know. This theory is out there. But it is not without merit. Brazille and Rove are very good friends. Everything about Obama's campaign stinks of Rove. The lessons of Rove were not lost on Axlerod. Rove has been invloved with this campaign from the gate. Brazile and her GOP pals Norquist and Rove could have easily decided a GOP victory was better than a Clinton victory. This nuclear option by Brazille and Rove may seem far fetched. But all the evidence on both the GOP side and the DEM side indicates an extraordinary level of planning - to what end?

From Cannonfire today: Rove followed a clear one-two-three strategy.
1. Pick the Dem with the most skeletonized closet.
2. Set 'im up.
3. Knock 'im down.

Also, like clockwork, the media is turning on Obama. Andrea Mitchell unloaded about Obama's "fake interviews" on Hardball no less. And it seems many in the press corps are shaking off the kool aid.
But scratch the surface, and you'll find a lot of mixed feelings behind the Obama "love." Reporters are grumbling more and more that the campaign is acting like the Prom Queen.
My favorite quote from the above article: "They're terrified of people poking around his life," one reporter says. As well they should be. Plenty of poking by lesser media lights has already occurred and it is not pretty.

So do we get an Obama October Surprise to elevate McCain? Who knows?
Frankly, I think we do. The unseen hand has been pushing things along for quite some time now. There is no reason to believe it will stop now.

