Coconut Lady's Hump Day Political Grab Bag. This week: FOOD!

It's time to talk about Rice. Doesn't Condi look divine? I feel I can almost smell her. And her knees are much smoother than I expected. But, alas, this is not the Rice I pulled out of the grab bag today.
While we are all keenly interested in Hillary rising (congrats on the Keystone State blowout of Ugly Barry) and other notable things like Jessica Simpson's "Boobs across America" tour.
We need to get serious:
Food is an issue across the globe now. So is overpopulation and Peak Oil. All of these things are connected. But food, food, food, is concerning me most today. We are in for a shock as prices keep on rising - and I looked into my Crystal Coconut and read the tea leaves. This is the advice I got that I can now pass on:
Beware of shortages in the USA! Stock up on non-perishables!
Gorging on all you can eat buffalo wings at Shakey's is not stocking up!
Eat Less Beef!
Don't mix metaphors!
Take Public transportation once a week!
If Eric Roberts comes to your door dressed as a milk maid and asks you to help him "churn his butter" - don't let him in!
Orange chicken is not a fruit!
Buy a bike now!
Tivo South Park!
Go to the library today and check out a book on gardening.
Vote for Hillary!
Study Peak Oil Theory and get a handle on how oil, food, and housing are interconnected. Create a goddamn back up plan for your entire life.
Think about collapse.
and on that happy note the coconut crystal ball went dark.
Labels: Avarosis is a moron, Dailykos writers are Stalinists, Keith Olbermann's nick name in college was "Scatty Kathy"
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