And the unconscious Sexist of the Year award goes to...

1. Chris Mathews - The goofball on Hardball who is utterly unaware of his mommy issues, which ooze nightly from every pore in his face.
2. Frank Rich - for his high flying ability to find yet another intellectually bankrupt reason to attack Senator Clinton. The ex - theater critic thinks the Obama show should not have to be bothered with the female competition.
3. Ducky, the king pin of the DailyKos - for transforming his liberal blog into a neo-Rockefeller, neo-Stalinist attack Hillary machine - no small feat.
4. Keith, the frontrunner - One barely needs to repeat his qualifications for Unconscious Sexist of the Year. The snotty, nightly attacks on Clinton, the use of "slut" and "ho" to describe female celebs, the bug eyed "special comment" about Ferarro...
5. The sublimely unconscious Ms. Huffington - for using her divorce cash to re-create herself for the 43rd time - now as the Left's very own Phyllis Schafly. The Huffpost attracts nasty Obama cult members like hungry dogs at a junk yard. They routinely call Senator Clinton a "controlling bitch" and gleefully re-write her history. Her assault on powerful, self confident women is all the more enticing because she is so good at pretending to be one herself - when not lolly gagging on David Geffen's yacht.
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