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Friday, March 28, 2008

Jay, Obama's money, and John Adams

The comment by Jay in (not of) LA to a post below is worthy of its own post. My level of cynicism is deeper than Jay's and its been made worse by the hypocrisy of the Obama campaign and the attendant lunacy of the media. The clip attests to the foolishness of the Obama cabal. Jay's comment is below the clip.

I've been watching JOHN ADAMS on HBO. Comparing the current day events to those faced by our founding fathers not so long ago illuminates, by comparison, where we are as a nation.

America is in it's Fall, headed into Winter. I dare say the Winter is underway, starting sometime during W's tenancy in the White House -- but he's not to blame. We are. We put him there. I didn't vote for him, but I'm still part of the 'we'. No matter how you re-tell it, with stolen elections and the like -- we still put him there. And there's important information to be mined from that fact.

I point this out not to be glum. I've been horribly glum about the subject of our nation lately. I point this out because I'm realizing, through historical comparison, that a nation who rises too quickly must, inevitably, falter. Then, hopefully, stagger around a bit, then stand again.

Spring does follow Winter, but, even knowing so, on a cold night with little wood around to burn it's tempting to decide that Spring isn't coming and, therefore, implode -- self destruct under the seduction of simple minded illusion.

Obama's fitness to hold the highest office in our land is a deep and insidious illusion fueled by the darkness of our current Winter.

I'd rather keep faith that Spring will come again. I'm voting for HIllary Clinton.

