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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's time to put a woman in charge.

The real change in American politics will occur when women have more power. How many more male politicians who can't control their penises do we have to suffer before we throw up our hands and scream: GIVE THE JOB TO A WOMAN!
Is this sexist? Maybe. If it is - I am willing to go there in this case. But I see no examples in American life in which a female politician equated power with freedom to violate the norms of sexual behavior. There are scores of men in just the last few years who have translated their political power into sexual acting out.

Larry Craig, after being caught trolling for sex in a toilet pulled out his Senate Business card and threw it at the cop saying something like: I am a U.S. Senator - what do you think of that?
Can anyone imagine Diane Feinstein hiring an escort and, after being called on it, saying "I know it's wrong. But I 'm a senator."

Bill Clinton put it succinctly when asked why he did it. "Because I could." There is something distinctly male about this answer. It is answer that refers to POWER not sex. Men in this culture - indeed most cultures - are raised to equate power with sex. More power equals more sex. (to repeat myself) Women are raised to equate sex with power to "get" a man. I see no women in power who have decided to use that power to "score." I see no examples of women who translate political power into notches on the belt.

Spitizer is the latest and one of the grossest examples of the male libido in power run amok.
I believe strongly that Silda Spitzer should make up her own mind about what to do about her marriage. That is no one's business but hers. However Elliot Spitzer must go. He violated the law over and over again. More than that, I am just sick of politicians of all stripes using "family" as a prop - then treating it as a joke. Mrs. Spitzer was propped up yesterday - to what end I can't imagine.

Can I say that if women suddenly had 50% of the power in the United States that they would not be subject to the same human failings? I cannot. But I doubt it.

It's time to put women in charge more often on all levels. Let's start at the top.

