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Monday, March 24, 2008

Hillary write in campaign prepped

Writehillaryin.com appeared today. The site placeholder says: We will launch this site should it become necessary. You'll be able to check here for instruction, guidance and chat about how to write-in Hillary Clinton in your state.

I fully support this idea and hope it is not needed. But should BHO become the nominee of my party I see little chance I could change my feelings about him before November. He has run a deceitful, hypocritical, mean campaign void of content. He has not been vetted by the press - which has largely bowed down at his feet. The previously helpful "netroots" has trashed Hillary and Bill Clinton for sport. I have come to the conclusion that Keith Olbermann, Maureen Dowd, and the rest of the Obama sycophant media has decided to make Obama President regardless. They will ignore salient facts and make excuses for him until November. They will be vicious and relentless in order to "get" Clinton.

The best action thinking people can take is to shun the anointing of Obama and to continue to demand balance from prigs like Olbermann. Is anyone even aware that as Senate Chairman of the sub committee that oversees Afghanistan the righteous Obama has had exactly ZERO hearings. None. This man wants to be President.

Mr. Obama is now on vacation in the Caribbean "after a difficult week" CNN says...

Imagine that.

Being called out on your minister and church of 20 years amounts to a difficult week. Does Senator Obama even know 2 wars are going on? What was "difficult" about this past week? The truth? How does this man expect to lead?

Finally - I will always love James Carville. He gets how hateful the Obama camp is at heart. Richardson endorsed Obama after saying Superdelegates should go with whoever their state did - except in Obamaland, where the rules don't apply - New Mexico chose Hillary. The man is a liar and an ingrate. Carville said this: Gov. Bill Richardson's endorsement of Obama came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out [Jesus] for 30 pieces of silver.

Carville refused to back down. Why? Because he's right. Just like Ferarro was right. Bill Clinton created Bill Richardson. Before Bill Clinton Richardson was a two bit backwater U.S. Representative who could barely put a sentence together.

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