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Friday, March 07, 2008

Entering the gloaming of the long primary day

The relentless Obamite harpies on the big lefty blogs still don't get it. They never will get it. They push ever onward with the demonization of Hillary Clinton. The electorate has long since walked away from this pile of manure. The media, having been bitch slapped by SNL, is gritting its collective teeth and at least attempting balanced reporting on BHO. Ms. Huffington beware, you are ripe for a Tina Fey send up.

Since it seems now that the Obama campaign will go on for a while I, at the very least, will take joy in watching the Obamites squeal as the floorboards fall out from under them. For once, Obama was actually tested in Ohio. He failed. In every big state in which the pause button has been pushed, even for a second, on the Obama hysteria machine - he has lost.
One hopes that as we enter the twilight hours of the primary season that the Clinton team continues to master the pause button. Real problems swirl around us like the toys in the Poltergeist bedroom. BHO has shown no capacity or even interest in addressing them.
I am the first to say that given the idiocy of the American system of choosing a President, Clinton has little chance - or inkling - to tell is like it is either. Consignment to the Kucinich bin would be the next stop and she knows it. But that is the point: she knows it. BHO still seems to think the Presidency is a gold medal to nab after the race - not an actual job. So he, on the other hand, is happily still running his cult of personality campaign. She has forced him into the trenches a bit- destroying the core of his campaign, and apparently his person-hood. Presenting himself as a saint being his primary drive.
Given the game, she must continue to disallow BHO from returning to the politics of personality and duke it out on issues and readiness. Olbermann and his ilk will continue their slide into ranting irrelevancy - with occasional breaks to dash out to Whole Foods - while the Democratic electorate actually makes a judgement.

Given that Pennsylvania is more populated with people who do jobs, than PhDs who theorize about "labor", Clinton should win the state.

So, barring a big misstep by either, it comes down to Florida and Michigan. I heard today of an Obama "advisor" saying that we should not re-do Florida because BHO has lost momentum. His solution: split the delegates. This is a perfect example of Obamite cult thinking.
We can't allow the people to decide in Florida because DEAR LEADER might lose - again. So let's throw the 17% that made up the margin of Clinton's win overboard. For those counting, that would be about 250,000 voters.

Such is the logic of a personality cult.

I am more confident now that we will settle on Clinton in the end. The economic news goes from grim to grimmer by the day. As the dollar, and with it, the economy slip over the falls the mood of the Super-delegates and those who still need to vote won't take to the Happy Talk Express so readily. Adulthood will be all the rage by August. Combine that with Howard Dean coming to grips somehow with the 4th and 8th largest delegations in the country - and Clinton is in better shape than she has been in a while.

