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Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Audacity of Hate

One of BHO's closest confidants - his minster and campaign aid, no less, Rev. Jeremiah Wright - said this: We should not be singing God Bless America but God Damn America.
Yes, it's true. Check it out. It's worth noting that the man who said this is also his spiritual adviser. And a great fan of Farrakahn. Who be racist now?

Will Keith Olbermann get off his very high horse and cook up a special comment about that little zinger? Doubt it, since Keith's blood and manhood has been replaced with Obamite Kool Aid.

I am sick and tired of Obamites saying that Clinton is "throwing everything, including the kitchen sink at Obama". Ha ha ha ha. Clinton has, in fact, barely laid a glove on him. Do the Obamites have any notion of history? This campaign has been quite nice, actually. I and many of my fellows are aching for Clinton to unload on Obama and neuter him once and for all. If his minister suggesting that his congregation should sing "God, Damn America!" doesn't prompt Clinton to administer the coup de gracie on the bigoted BHO campaign then John McCain will have to do it in the fall.

BHO has chosen to stay in this alleged church for 20 years - referring to the bigot minister as a "crazy uncle" - making him family, no less. Since BHO has accomplished next to nothing and refuses to even engage the idea that experience matters, we can and should judge him by the company he keeps.

The chances of BHO winning in the fall just went from almost nil to zilch. The RNC will have BHO for early supper and sail onto victory. BHO must DENOUNCE his minister. It is as simple as that. Below is an "audio" video of BHO's "crazy uncle" - listen and then imagine the possibility of Obama beating McCain. It won't take long. There isn't one.

