We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Friday, February 01, 2008

What is "Obama" about?

The bizarre phenomenon surrounding Obama is - to me - the first BIG sign of a country coming unhinged. Rarely have we seen a man garner so much undeserved adulation. There is desperation to follow anyone who will make people feel good. Obama does this in a big way. In LA yesterday people held up Warhol renderings of him outside the debate - with no apparent sense of how ironic and telling an act it was. "Obama" is a product, like soup, hawked by Oprah. He may be a fine man. But a thoughtless media and a wild crowd that want an imagined solution are thrusting his campaign forward. "Change" is all they scream. No one asks into what or how will this change happen.
The other element fueling the Obama runaway train is mindless and foolish hatred of Hillary Clinton. Like it or not the Bush S**T is hitting the fan in this country and we now have 3 choices: McCain, Obama, Clinton.
Like her or not: Clinton is the only person still in the race that I am remotely comfortable putting in the White house. McCain is up to the job - but the job he will do will, no doubt, make it worse.
Obama simply is not to be trusted. He may well be trustworthy. But who can say? His public life is utterly unexamined. He is untested, to say the least. The Obama crowd is simply
chanting him into power out of a false hope. A false hope created out of the embryo of fear and desperation. Obama cannot be what his supporters think he is - no one can.
Other nations have fallen in line behind charismatic leaders in moments of unease and confusion. Draw your own conclusions about the last sentence. I certainly can't make one now. I can say that it often turns out badly.

The rest of the Clinton critics site the same talking points over and over again: "They" are supreme liars - this put forward most obnoxiously by David Geffen - a man who made his fortune face slamming his way through Hollywood. Do I even need to type "ironic"? Or her voice is attacked. Or "shrew" "Lady MacBeth" come out of one side of a critic's mouth while "I am not a sexist" comes out of the other side.

I am taking a news media respite. The MSM, fueled by some major blogs, has run off yet another frothing, foaming cliff. The refusal to question Obama in a real way reminds me of the run up to the Iraq invasion. Months from now they will, no doubt, weakly question their current narrative. I don't even know what is happening in the run up to Super Duper Tuesday. I have resigned myself to the possibility of having to choose between Obama and McCain in November. I hope not.
What will we do when we find out that the Obama promise is an illusion? That a war for oil started by a country that depends utterly on oil - can't be ended with fine speeches. That Oprah's product is no match for the housing implosion?
That a deep economic downturn cannot be reversed by screaming "change!"?? That America's post bush problems will not go away with the wave of a magic feel good wand...

I wonder.

