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Monday, February 18, 2008

Obamite poison

The media has fallen so head over heels, ass over tea cups in love with the persona presented by Obama that they are only now - and just barely - beginning to ask of him the hard questions. They are only now beginning to report on the Obama underbelly: stealing speeches, caving to Nuclear Power special interests, back room real estate deals, a truly pathetic Senate record, ongoing relationships with former members of the Weather Underground (this nugget will, by itself, lose the election to McCain).
Obama's persona has been coached and fed with misdirection, led by a very skilled orator. Little has been done to rebut the onslaught of nasty and misleading reporting of the Olbermans and Huffingtons. I suspect nothing can stop much of the adoring Obamite media until Clinton is out of the race. Then they were wonder aloud if they went too far - and move on to the next victim.

But balanced reporting is returning here and there. This is to be encouraged regardless of who one prefers. We can't afford an unvetted nominee. Period.
What concerns me is the lack of rational thought emanating from the Obama crowd. If no one gets enough delegates to secure the nod before the convention the Obamites will do what ever it takes to make Hillary the bad cop.
What Hillary will do is fight for the nomination. As well she should. As any man would. The meme will be that Clinton should step aside "for the good of the party".

This is bullshit.

As it stands now (and we await the rest of the primaries) both candidates can make a claim to the nomination. Though, if fairness prevails and Florida is counted, Clinton's case is stronger. Because much of Obama's feverish support comes from people who are seemingly irrational ( don't believe me? Read the comments on almost any "neutral" blog.) and because much of the media has rendered itself incapable of a fair assessment of the race - I believe it may be next to impossible for the party to come together. This is NOT a result of Clinton's support. The hysteria is coming from Obama's side. The nastiness is coming from Obama's supporters. Not the man himself, mind you. But he doesn't need to go negative with cabin boys like Olberman on the job. So much of it is mindless hatred of Bill and Hillary Clinton. "Billary" as they are fond of saying. Given that "Billary" did a pretty fine job one can only conclude that the Obamites are irrational, given to emotionalism, and, frankly, childish.

Bill Clinton was a successful President. Let me repeat that: BILL CLINTON WAS A SUCCESSFUL PRESIDENT. The attack on history and on truth from the Obamites is proof that they cannot come up with, or conjure up, a solid defense of their candidate. Therefore they must slime Hillary's husband. They are attacking their own homes. They are attacking the Democratic Party. They are poisoning the process.

There is no change without sacrifice. There is a reason that only now is Obama coming up with specifics. Specifics open you up to rebuttal and dissection. Can Obama withstand this? Will his fans tolerate a man who plagiarizes? A man who is to the RIGHT of Clinton on many issues? A man who has to answer questions after his soaring speeches? A man whose "vision" gets him to noon on January 20th 2009 and no further?

If Obama wins out and Clinton is defeated fair and square then Clinton supporters will have to reassess. Still, nothing is automatic. Obama has not earned my vote because he has done nothing worthy of earning it. I state that with no emotion ( and i admit to a lot of emotion around the election). I see no reason to support this man. There are no accomplishments worthy of elevation to the White House. When I state this to an Obama supporter I am told "but look what he has accomplished on the campaign" an answer too empty and without logic to be worthy of anything but bemused disgust.

Bush ran on "change" and, by God, we got it. Obama may yet earn my vote. But I will not, nor will any of the Clinton voters I know, hand off my allegiance to a campaign that is actively tearing my party asunder by rewriting its history. That is what they are doing.
There is now poison in the well. We should not deny it. I don't like what Obama's people are doing to the process. The shouting from his side is too often overwhelming and without merit.

A fair and balanced argument over who can better lead the nation is not too much to ask. Of course, that would lead any rational observer to support Clinton.

