Obama: Old School S.O.B.

The dirty tricks of the Obama campaign are now being exposed. His campaign has lied through out, starting in Iowa. Please read this piece in the New Republic.
First, in Iowa, the Obama camp aired radio ads patterned on the notorious "Harry and Louise" Republican propaganda from 1993, charging falsely that Senator Hillary Clinton's health care proposal would "force those who cannot afford health insurance to buy it, punishing those who won't fall in line." In subsequent primary and caucus campaigns, the Obama campaign sent out millions of mailers, also featuring the "Harry and Louise" motif, falsely claiming that Clinton favored "punishing families who can't afford health care in the first place." A few bloggers and columnists, notably Paul Krugman in The New York Times, described the ads as distorting, but the national press corps mainly ignored them
The lies have continued. The biggest Obama lie of all is that he is a new kind of leader, a leader who does not stoop to negative tactics. This is crap. Since the vicious 1984 video of last fall his campaign has smeared Clinton. The media, in love with Obama, has ignored the attacks - or in classic form - blamed the victim. Regardless of the "conventional wisdom" (real wisdom is rarely conventional) Hillary's campaign has been clean relative to Obama's. Clinton, to my distress, has not hit Obama hard. She is paying for it. Obama, with the help of an army of syncophants like Olbermann and Huffington, has fooled the Democratic Party.
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