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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Obama Conspiracy

I am prone to looking for conspiracies - not out of paranoia per say I am quick to write here. Whether the alleged intellectuals in this country like it or not - groups with power, and less often, groups without power, conspire. It is the historical norm, not its exception. Roman Senators conspired to kill Julius Caesar. A small group conspired to assist John Wilkes Booth. It is only the major modern events in which the dismissal of the possibility of conspiracies has been seen as sane. The Latte Liberal cognitive dissonance on conspiracies is obvious and severe. State that Bush/Cheney "conspired" to invade Iraq from day one and everyone is on board. Ask a Latte Liberal to examine the 9/11 "planned demolition" evidence and be ready to be called a nut. Bill Mahr, an otherwise helpful voice, came famously unglued when asked to address this evidence. The planned demolition evidence may not be totally irrefutable - but it comes damn close. Historical antecedents are numerous for events like 9/11. The Reichstag Fire is not a metaphor - it actually happened.

I find it fascinating that the GOP and the Democrats have essentially taken opposite roads in the last year. Republicans eliminated the more popular, but less qualified, candidates as the process unfolded. Invert that for the Democrats. I am unabashedly Pro Clinton - but Dodd, Richardson, Biden and Clinton are ALL more likely, BASED ON THE EVIDENCE, to have competent Administrations than Obama. But we seem to have chosen Obama. No one has a rational reason for this. There are reasons to support Obama - but thus far I have yet to hear one based on merit.

McCain is a stronger candidate on paper than Obama. Note: I say ON PAPER. No one is going to realistically attack McCain's resume. We made not like what it says, but it is lengthy. Starting with this fact, I ask - how does this play out in the Autumn? Democrats need to ask themselves this. We have never elected a person with a thinner resume than Obama. Some of you are now screaming LINCOLN! - you are, simply put, wrong. Lincoln made his name in a losing senatorial election during which he had a series of DAY LONG debates with his opponent. Obama has participated in sound bite debates during this election. Lincoln spoke out clearly on the some of the most divisive issues of his day: Slavery and the invasion of Mexico. He risked his political life and actual life in both cases. Obama avoids tough issues by littering his recycled speeches with bromides about unity and skipping Senate votes. Comparisons to JFK are so ridiculous that they are hardly worthy of comment. Kennedy: Service in the House, two Senate terms, war hero. Obama: state senator, one Senate term as a back bencher,"community organizing" and a talk show hostess endorsement. There is no comparison between John F. Kennedy and Barack H. Obama. It borders on the offensive to put them in the same sentence.

So how have we Democrats ended up with Obama when Biden, Dodd, Richardson, and Clinton are so much stronger - on paper? By the time September rolls around and the nation settles in to actually chose a President, not a boyfriend, McCain could easily walk off with the win. One terrorist attack and it is a McCain landslide. What is ON PAPER matters more often than it does not. Experience counts.

It seems to me we've been gamed. Yes, a conspiracy has unfolded. An open, perfectly legal, conspiracy.

By ignoring them, the main stream media never allowed Biden, Dodd or Richardson into the race. On the other side Rudy G, then Romeny, and finally Huckabee were knee capped. Of course, the 3 GOP losers had their own issues. Romeny would never have overcome his religion. But Rudy's history was ignored for years by the MSM they then raked him over hot coals with it for a few months and he was cooked. Huckabee was disposed of easily, though he was certainly more popular with the GOP base than McCain. Clinton has been quashed in large part because her missteps have been amplified by a nasty media, while Obama's deceits are ignored. Thought experiment: Imagine Olbermann's show this week if Clinton's speeches had been proven to be plagiarized - with video to prove it.

Of course, all sorts of things could come to pass that allow Obama to win. The cultural disfunction that has created him thus far could continue through November. McCain's health may become a concern. The current economic meltdown may be so severe by October that we elect anyone who says "new" and "change". I do not know. But from this far out McCain looks like a winner. He has now inched ahead in national polls - for one reason: experience. Democrats fell for an open, legal conspiracy - hook, line and sinker.

