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Monday, February 25, 2008

Farrakhan hearts Obama.

The double standard amongst the Obamites is in full force today. One can hardly imagine what they would be saying if David Duke had made an hour long speech praising Hillary Clinton. Louis Farrakhan, in my estimation the lowest form of bigot (he dismisses the Holocaust) heaped praise on Barrack Hussein Obama Sunday. Late in the day his campaign repudiated Farrakhan.

Obama's church's magazine has written that Farrakhan "epitomized greatness".

How responsible is Obama for these two events? Not much. But while Obama repudiated Farrakhan he did not condemn his church's editorial decision to honor Farrakhan. He merely said he did not agree with it. This is a weak response from a weak man. Trumpet Magazine must be condemned by Obama in no uncertain terms. I disagree with much in my church. I have not left it, nor should Obama leave his. However, on all issues in my own church in which they are wrong I am vocal in opposition. Obama is running for President. Obama's church honored a monstrous bigot. There is no wiggle room here. Real leaders stand up in moments like this. Obama has gone far this election season on very little substance and even less experience. He is impossible to read - and that is what Axelrod and the rest of his handlers want. But there are moments when one can take the measure of a man regardless of the misdirection of his campaign team. This is one of those moments.
At every point in Obama's career in which he could have stood up - he, instead, stood down. The 140 "present" votes, the confrontation with McCain in the Senate, absenting himself while the Senate voted on the Iranian Guard terrorism bill, appearing on stage with the homophobic minister in South Carolina - all relatively small moments - but add them up and we begin to see a man who is cowardly and spineless - a man who is in many ways the opposite of the one presented as a "great leader" by his handlers and their whorish surrogates in the media.

Obama's plagerism is not "small." His speeches are all he has - and he has stolen many of them.

Barrack Hussein Obama condemn Trumpet Magazine in no uncertain terms. Now.

On a purely political note: The Farrakhan flap reinforces my sense that an Obama nomination will set the Democratic Party back 10 years - at least. Any chance Obama had of winning a Southern state in November is now even smaller. Polls in states that now indicate a tight race between McCain and Obama (Mass, Oregon, PA, Ohio) can be easily won by the GOP. In fact, that Mass. is even in play with Obama on the ticket should give Democrats pause. John McCain will not let Obama slide the way Hillary has. Considering that thus far Obama's press has been glowing and McCain's has been mostly negative - polls in DEM leaning states should not be close now. Obama's negatives (and yes, all you Obamites, he has them) have barely been touched on. Should he defeat Clinton the attacks on him will be swift, brutal and relentless. They will be on Clinton too should she win the nomination. The difference? Clinton 's bad press will be redundant. Obama's will be NEWS.

