The descent into madness by the Obama wing of the Democratic party is breathtaking.
The title of this post is taken from a comment on a Taylor Marsh blog I link here. I thank Carolyn at Make Them Accountable for her tireless efforts in cataloguing and forwarding recent stories about Obama that are being ignored by the major media.
More and more I am coming to believe there is an Obama "mania" griping a vast swatch of the American population. I have endearingly referred to it as "beatlemania" - a label taken from a friend. But this does not describe what I see now. The most fervent Obamites are not just fainting at his "shows" some of them seem to have gone around the bend entirely and are now determined to quash all criticism of their chosen one. Here's a comment at Democratic Underground: Taylor Marsh is a deplorable piece of filth. A political whore. She's worse than kkkarl, who at least sticks to fucking over the opposition party. Charming Taylor is swiftboating Obama in the ugliest possible way. She is beneath contempt. And so is anyone who post's crap like this: / There's no excuse for it. None. And if you cozy up to her, you're no better than she is. You get it? Disagree with us, you are filth...
Though extreme it fits perfectly the pattern I have experienced and heard about when anyone has attempted a reasoned debate about Obama. This is not support. It is mental illness. It is also wrong since Rove was perfectly happy to screw McCain in South Carolina in 2000.
Why is it mental illness? Because they cannot abide attacks on Obama but gleefully insult Clinton while saying they are not. DENIAL is a hallmark of many forms of neurosis.
The underpinnings of Obama's rise are anger, unconscious sexism, and very well managed misdirection. All this combined has added up to a "persona" called Obama that is not at all connected to the actual plagiarizing, weak in the knees, inexperienced man child senator from Illinois.
I hold out no hope that the Obama lemmings can be stopped before they run the Democratic Party and possibly the country off a cliff. It is impossible to say what kind of President Obama would be. That is what is so scary. A year into his campaign, it is impossible to say.
Is he a radical like the Weather Underground connections might suggest. Is he a reactionary like the cave in to BIG NUKES implies? Is he a coward as the Senate confrontation with McCain would seem to suggest? Is he a great leader? Maybe - but if so his actual ideas and solutions are boilerplate nonsense that are less innovative than Bush's circa 2000 platform.
He is not yet worthy of a thinking person's vote. The more I hear from Obama's supporters the more I have to conclude that they are not thinking - and they have no intention of starting now.
Post Script: From the Taylor Marsh blog linked above that should be read by all: William Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist, though he is normally described as a distinguished education professor. One does not necessarily rule out the other, but he himself acknowledges planting bombs in U.S. Federal buildings.
The connnection between Ayers and Obama is ongoing and long lasting. Some how Hardball has missed it so far. I wonder if the GOP will skip running ads about it in the fall?
More and more I am coming to believe there is an Obama "mania" griping a vast swatch of the American population. I have endearingly referred to it as "beatlemania" - a label taken from a friend. But this does not describe what I see now. The most fervent Obamites are not just fainting at his "shows" some of them seem to have gone around the bend entirely and are now determined to quash all criticism of their chosen one. Here's a comment at Democratic Underground: Taylor Marsh is a deplorable piece of filth. A political whore. She's worse than kkkarl, who at least sticks to fucking over the opposition party. Charming Taylor is swiftboating Obama in the ugliest possible way. She is beneath contempt. And so is anyone who post's crap like this: / There's no excuse for it. None. And if you cozy up to her, you're no better than she is. You get it? Disagree with us, you are filth...
Though extreme it fits perfectly the pattern I have experienced and heard about when anyone has attempted a reasoned debate about Obama. This is not support. It is mental illness. It is also wrong since Rove was perfectly happy to screw McCain in South Carolina in 2000.
Why is it mental illness? Because they cannot abide attacks on Obama but gleefully insult Clinton while saying they are not. DENIAL is a hallmark of many forms of neurosis.
The underpinnings of Obama's rise are anger, unconscious sexism, and very well managed misdirection. All this combined has added up to a "persona" called Obama that is not at all connected to the actual plagiarizing, weak in the knees, inexperienced man child senator from Illinois.
I hold out no hope that the Obama lemmings can be stopped before they run the Democratic Party and possibly the country off a cliff. It is impossible to say what kind of President Obama would be. That is what is so scary. A year into his campaign, it is impossible to say.
Is he a radical like the Weather Underground connections might suggest. Is he a reactionary like the cave in to BIG NUKES implies? Is he a coward as the Senate confrontation with McCain would seem to suggest? Is he a great leader? Maybe - but if so his actual ideas and solutions are boilerplate nonsense that are less innovative than Bush's circa 2000 platform.
He is not yet worthy of a thinking person's vote. The more I hear from Obama's supporters the more I have to conclude that they are not thinking - and they have no intention of starting now.
Post Script: From the Taylor Marsh blog linked above that should be read by all: William Ayers is an unrepentant terrorist, though he is normally described as a distinguished education professor. One does not necessarily rule out the other, but he himself acknowledges planting bombs in U.S. Federal buildings.
The connnection between Ayers and Obama is ongoing and long lasting. Some how Hardball has missed it so far. I wonder if the GOP will skip running ads about it in the fall?
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