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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Color Me Confused

I posted in the comments on John's post below the reactions of some of Obama's supporters on Clinton's win in California.

Their take on California is the same as their take on Florida. The late o-mentum was heading his way.

Is he auditing this course or taking it for a grade? Isn't it called a final score?

Another argument is that he won big in the Red states. Well, that's great but he won Democratic primaries in the Red States. That does not translate into winning against John McCain in the Red States.

Apparently, this is from a comment on Huffington so I cannot confirm, CNN said at the beginning of the night that whoever wins California for the Democrats will be the nominee. At the end of the night when Clinton won it was a tie.

Then there are the "folks" who say that since neither will win enough voter delegates to wrap it up it will be up to the super delegates who will "give" it to Clinton. They somehow come up with Obama having more voter delegates than Clinton. I'm not sure how they get there since the opposite is true but reason has nothing to do with it.

My favorite is that smart people vote for Obama. One poster wrote back to say that he only had an MS and voted for Clinton. He wasn't aware that the PhD's were going Obama's way.

I'll grant you that the media needs a story. John McCain has obviously pulled out a major coup on the Republican side so they need something to fill twenty-four hours. The drama of a brokered convention for the Democrats is a dream date.

