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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Burning Bras

These are frightening times.

The housing market is in a free fall. Britain just had it's first "run" on a bank since the 1800's. Oil is going up up up. The situation in Afghanistan is worsening. (Two car bombs in the last few days killed over 100 people.) Iraq? Never ending. The dollar is in the tank. (I'm convinced the Brits will get the colonies back without a fight - just give us your pounds.)

Why would anyone want to be President? It's a bit like someone saying during the collapse of Enron that they would really love to have Ken Lay's job.

Perhaps the response to Obama is partly that we are so scared that we want to live in denial and pretend that we're not in real trouble. Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Can we afford an interest-only President? The bills are going to come due and I want someone in the Oval Office who knows how to balance a check book.

I want someone tough who is going to tell us, guess what? You have to pay taxes. Someone who will find solutions to the ever worsening job market. Someone who has a good idea for Healthcare. (I don't understand why every big business in America doesn't jump on Senator Clinton's band wagon. National Healthcare will make us competetive with every other industrialized nation.) Someone who will appoint Joe Biden Secretary of State, use his ideas for Iraq and win the war. Someone who can handle the housing crisis and save people's homes.

The arguments against Clinton like she's calculating work in her favor for me. Show me a successful CEO who is not calculating. You have to be able to see ten steps ahead to get initiatives passed.

She's cold. Great. Well, since we're not able to afford heat I want someone who is cold enough to stand up to the energy companies to get us heat.

She's always wanted to be President. Tiger Woods has always wanted to golf. Tom Brady has always wanted to throw a football. Meryl Streep has always wanted to act. Guess what? They're pretty good at their jobs.

We're going to return to the scandal plagued '90's. Republicans never care about that shit. Dick Cheney spent the last seven years trying to get back to Nixonian power. John McCain isn't afraid to go for POWER just because George Bush had a scandal a week. Senator Clinton is tough enough to fight back. We need that.

She's a divider and Senator Obama is a uniter. Anyone who believes that is dreaming. If he's such a uniter why is he only 50 delegates ahead? If you count Florida, which we should, he's behind.

What really makes me angry is that most of these agruments would not be arguments if she were a man. They would be benefits.

So to all the young women out there who support Obama let me tell you something. After you graduate from four years of college you will make $.74 for every dollar a man makes. Women like Senator Clinton helped pave the way for you to have the opportunites you do have. Thirty years ago you could not have gotten a car, a credit card or a house without a man co-signing for you. Nurses who got pregnant had to leave their jobs at 28 weeks and when they came back to work had to start from scratch. Birth control was illegal in some states and you can forget about a safe and legal abortion.

I want a woman to be our President. I especially want a smart, hard working, calculating woman to be our President.

Vote Clinton.

